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Everything posted by Watkins101

  1. I have tremendous respect for all of you who have been here for this long, through ups and downs... I myself am a young fan, who has really only seen downs... hopefully we are back on the upswing now!
  2. I realize this is exaggeration on purpose, but Josh has been never come close to a game that good, and Baker hasn't had a game that bad. You can't say this at all.
  3. I saw Andy Dalton multiple times covering the ear holes in his helmet, trying to hear the calls.
  4. This is gonna be an uggofest without motor and with the wind
  5. He is a great player, but his mouth is bigger than he is. How could he possibly back up saying he would be in the NHL in a year?
  6. He did get hurt, I realize that was late in the game, but would have some of an impact. One theory is that they are saving him so that there isnt an abundance of game film on him, making it easier for coaches to stop him. Saving him for the pats game if you will.
  7. It just means that out of all the cornerbacks you haven't heard of, he is the best
  8. I was about to write about how we’ll yield on was doing- then he got caught behind the line
  9. So what you're saying is that it there is a 0% chance he gets exactly 9 sacks. Interesting...
  10. No team would trade for him. If they didn't think he was worth the money then, why would they want him for the same money plus draft capital?
  11. That would be a very cheap new contract for Clowney. I've seen ideas of up to 30 Million a year for him. Reasonably, it would be more like 24 million. Obviously you can make cuts, but Beane likes to have 10 million left for the season. I'm sorry, but it's quite obvious that this won't work.
  12. We have 30.5 million in cap space per spotrac. Minimum 4.5 million comes off for rookies. That leaves us with 26. That TE costs 7M, A J Green another 15. That leaves us with 4 M for Clowney+ any we need during the season. Clowney will likely costs 20 million at least. With that we are 16 million over, and we need to keep some money for mid season emergencies.
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