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Everything posted by billsfan60

  1. You're right, so did Gore, everybody else not so much. But Shady and Gore are not normal, average backs. I wouldn't want to depend on any runner, taylor included, to have to change direction more than once in that mess in order to gain significant yards.
  2. Elusive and 6 inches of snow don't go well together dude and he better have made a few more plays considering he's been at it a hell of a lot longer than Nate, dude. By the way dude, I'll take what I saw on the field yesterday over any more two yard completions from mr. mobile, dude.
  3. That's 9 more than taylor would have attempted. And nobody was going to win that one easily. It was old time leather helmet stuff. And it still took a big time pass by Webb to put it away. Taylor doesn't have that in him.
  4. I saw Nate throw passes yesterday that taylor can't or won't make. Hell Webb looked better than taylor has this year. If Nate can't go maybe Joe should get the call. Had enough of "two yard". You can say all you want about poor OL play or leaky defenses, but the change at QB from vet to rook made this look like a real NFL team. God forbid the phins get up by 3 next Sunday, with taylor we never catch up.
  5. You see a dumb QB and I see a kid doing everything he can to move the chains. I want him to have a better sense of when to take chances but I don't want to lose the competitive drive already there. He looks like a real NFL QB.
  6. I don't know. I've watched the patsie* game several times looking specifically at his performance and what I see is a rookie making NFL throws all over the field. The ball came out quick, was fitted into tight windows and were thrown with anticipation. He still has plenty of work to do to refine his craft but it was a damn sight better than watching the crap we've put up with for 3 years. If it had been marsha behind that OL in LA he'd be on IR now, given his advanced age and all.
  7. I think the kid still has nightmares of the charger pass rush and was determined not to have a repeat. You're right but I think another game or two and we'll start to see him have a better feel for just how much time he really has to get a pass out. It just has to slow down for him a little more.
  8. Once Peterman came in I saw passes getting fit into tight windows, balls coming out quickly and Shady finding running room. Any thought of letting taylor back on the field this year if he's healthy should have died 8 minutes into the 4th quarter.
  9. I bet they USE IT for the coin toss.
  10. Yeah, just killing time till KO. Everything that needs to be said has been beaten to death. Don't know whether to be nervous or excited and sick of playing the "what if" merry go round.
  11. I'm assuming since you've been around over a decade with lots of posts you're either a Bills fan or the most dedicated troll in history. If it's the later... Have a nice day. If it's the former, what does your fanhood say about you?
  12. Of course he is. He's a Bills fan. Everybody know that, sheesh
  13. After watching taylor for 2 1/2 years I've come to the conclusion he has all the physical skills anybody could ask for, and more. He has the leadership traits to command an offense. He sets a positive example for his teammates. And all of that is worthless if he can't process what he is seeing on the field and lacks the confidence in himself and his WRs to execute a game plan. When things are going well, he'll stay the course and not screw things up. But when everything turns to crap he isn't capable of using his skills to take over a game and exert his will on the outcome. Unless your team is perfectly balanced taylor's not a starting QB.
  14. And there you have it folks... The Antipeterman
  15. I fail to see why this is so hard to understand. Football games are won by the team that scores the most points. If your goal is to win football games then you have to score more points than your opponent. If you're not scoring enough points then that is the thing you fix first. If your D line crushes the running game and you have shut down corners you might hold the bad guys to 9 points but if all you generate on offense is 2 FG and a safety, you lose. The only realistic way the Bills can win now is to put as many points on the board as possible and hope it's enough to overcome a flawed defense. Our defensive minded HC knows this and that's why Kelvin is here and Tyrod is riding the bench. The WRs are good enough, Clay is an above average receiving TE, Shady is force in the passing game as well. Peterman may crash and burn, but it's a better gamble than asking this defense to pitch shutouts against the likes of Rivers, Smith and marsha.
  16. There are a few ways to define Occam's Razor. Two that are widely used are as follows: When two theories are presented the simpler of he two is most likely OR When choosing from amongst several theories, the one that makes the fewest assumptions is most likely After several paragraphs of well thought out dissection, the question becomes Why did the Bills make the switch now? Theory #1 - Tyrod Taylor is simply not a complete QB and has hit a wall talent - wise. There is a rookie who has flashed some talent on the team. They need to find out how they will spend their draft capitol. Theory #2 - Based on the actions of previous ownership, GM's and coaching staffs (none of whom are still here) the Bills will ignore what they see on the field for the rest of the year and waste their draft capitol by not taking a QB high, but instead drafting defense. (this after enumerating the deficiencies on that side of the ball). Occam just wacked you across the knuckles with his ruler.
  17. Shame on y'all. 3 hours ago you were all worried savior had run off to join the circus and nobody would own up to cyber bullying the guy. Now here he is, same goofy out takes wrapped around some reasonable core comments, and y'all can't keep from doing what a few hours ago you swore you never had. Y'all act lie he's your 10 year old cousin who's come to Thanksgiving dinner and wants to sit at the big person table. I'm truly concerned about your lack if civility. Now go to your rooms until you can say nice things about other people. As for you, Savior, you must respect those put in charge to lord it over you. (even when they smell bad and act like rabid dogs in heat). They're people too (I think).
  18. Great vision, and a wonderful prospect Marlin. Now, Grasshopper, just exactly how do you expect to retain all these superstars when all the rookie contracts come due at the same time? And don't forget, if Nate were to pan out as a franchise guy then you might not be able to hang on to even two of the others.
  19. I'm betting this OL plays lights out protecting the rook starting this week and going forward. They get noticed only when things go wrong. Except in this situation all eyes will be on how they protect the Kid. It's a one chance at glory type of thing. They'll buy in.
  20. Wrong, exactly the perfect move to make. If you want to get everyones' attention, make an example out of the highest profile guy in the crowd. It's why they put generals in front of firing squads and not sergeants. Even better when the evidence backs up the example. McDermott just effectively went to each player and told them no one is immune, everybody is accountable and there are life altering consequences. Did he get his point across. We'll see, but I think you'll see maximum effort from every player Sunday. Smart move.
  21. I know what you mean. I remember that bit of conversation. I try to keep reminding myself there are all levels of knowledge on here and to keep my own statements well within the bounds of my limited capacities. Some folks just have a bit harder time doing that. The irony is what if his take on Peterman turns out to be accurate.
  22. Come on guys, he has hung in here through all the abuse, at least give him his moment in he Sun. If you're going to be honest about it there are much bigger idiots lurking out there than Mr. Peety
  23. He was here right after the announcement, not crowing or sticking giant smiley faces all over the screen or predicting giant passing yards or feats of daring do or any other bizarre behavior. Hell, he didn't even seem concerned. It's either better living through chemistry or sanity has broken out.
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