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Everything posted by Hawaii50

  1. Deep breath everyone. As long as Josh isn’t hurt, we will be fine.
  2. Waiting for game to start is brutal. 2:20 kickoff in Hawaii. Don't know how Buffalo folks handle the wait.
  3. He started aggressive and then went soft. Problem with a defensive oriented head coach. He believes his D can hold/win when they can not. Coaches lost this for us tonight. Uhg!
  4. Tommy bleeding. Shouldn’t Bucks get 10 points?
  5. Kalapaki Joes. Not sure of situation with Covid. May want to give them a call and check on hours and crowd.
  6. I live on Kauai. But, most bars in Waikiki if you are staying their will likely have Bills fans present. Not sure if any dedicated bars.
  7. 81 in Kauai! Just started drinking, but before noon.
  8. Bills apparently have no concern about Jets. Very conservative, trying to protect Josh and others. Probably correct approach. We will we.
  9. Wilson looked crazy on sideline before this series. Seeing ghosts soon!
  10. Wentz was determined to throw an interception on the road to break his steak.
  11. For whatever reason he seems to undervalue timeouts and wastes them in marginal situations before end of half or game when they are way more valuable.
  12. Yeh, he should have kept his bitcoin for his own piggy bank rather than giving to his lineman. He likely will need it.
  13. True, but if refs called it a fumble it would have stood.
  14. Other than the TD they gave the Pats when they fumbled the ball I agree.
  15. Read an article from one of the Boston papers yesterday that said “for the Bills to have a chance to win they must…”. Arrogance to the max!
  16. P I’d like another shot at them in the playoffs. Maybe my preferred first round opponent.
  17. Too soon?
  18. The “ready to rumble” guys between plays may be more annoying than the train whistle.
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