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Everything posted by Irv

  1. Another botched effort by Demented Biden. What a mess.
  2. Seemed like a really good dude. R.I.P.
  3. Demented Biden botches yet another. What a mess.
  4. Aaron Maybin and whoever drafted him. Ball of suck.
  5. That press conference was hilarious. What a disaster. DeNiro embarrassed himself.
  6. Allison Cooper. Classic Trumpism! Can't wait to see these crybabies bawl their eyes out when Biden get rolled in the election. What a mess.
  7. Deniro was about to start crying. What a never was, loser. What a mess.
  8. Bidenomics. What a mess.
  9. Keep hating America. What a mess.
  10. WTF is the government going to do to create more transmission capacity? Utilities are investor owned. What a mess.
  11. Biden falls asleep at Arlington cemetery ceremony. What a real patriot! What a mess. Demented Biden Falls Asleep
  12. More lies. Pathetic. Larry David is a smelly douche bag. What a mess.
  13. Demented Biden has no foreign policy. What a mess.
  14. Only a tool like you could turn a sacred holiday into a Trump bashing opportunity. What a mess.
  15. Keep denying Shlong. What did gas cost when Demented Biden took over? Laughable. What a mess.
  16. Demented Biden and his buddies have ***** the economy up so bad that you feel good when gas goes under $4.00/gallon. What a mess.
  17. We need to give these guys some firearms training. Five out of thirty-one is a horrible kill percentage. What a mess.
  18. PM me. I'll send you my address for the beer. What a mess.
  19. More lies. Pathetic.
  20. I recently returned from Scotland. I heard this song, and it moved me quite a bit. Reminds me a little bit of Alison Krauss. Just a beautiful voice.
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