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Everything posted by Irv

  1. Eightieth anniversary of our soldiers storming the beach of Normandy and Google Doodle today is for some lesbian activist. So disrespectful to our vets. What a mess.
  2. Skank. Her blathering is helping Trump win. What a mess.
  3. Are they giving Demented Biden the drug test? They're going to have him so hopped up on coke and Aricept he'll be offline for a week. What a mess.
  4. ZZZZZzzzzzzz. Jennifer Rubin is a skanky ho' helping the Dems win the election for Trump. What a mess.
  5. Gavin Newsome. ***** loser. What a mess.
  6. Maxine Waters? AOC? Nah. AOC is more of a horse face. She could eat an apple on the other side of a chain link fence. What a mess.
  7. Fourth and *****. What a mess.
  8. I think we both agree, she's a loose cannon. What a mess.
  9. No. Did you lose your boyfriends schwantz?
  10. You hurt me with your words.
  11. When the Palestinians are all melted.
  12. She needs to shut her jizz hole. What a mess.
  13. Get a life.
  14. Demented Biden lets 10M in scot-free and it’s Trump’s fault. Right. Biden is such a political hack. He made himself look like even more of an idiot yesterday with his executive orders. Handing Trump the election. What a demented mess.
  15. Lie. Keep lying. We both don’t like her. But don’t lie. What a mess.
  16. Why did Deranged Rhino get banned?
  17. Do you ever get tired of bumping lousy threads you create because they suck, and nobody cares? What a mess.
  18. Biden completely botched the pandemic. Did anything he and his buddies could do to keep power. Ruined the country and Trump will need to clean up his ***** disaster. What a mess.
  19. Why do you keep bumping this ridiculous notion when you have clearly seen the hatred for the Jews from the Democrats? What a mess.
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