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Everything posted by Irv

  1. Wow
  2. With your logic, every kid from Williamsville will automatically be successful and none on Doat Street will. It doesn't work that way. Sorry.
  3. You take victimhood to a whole 'nother level. What a mess. Handouts.
  4. Sand called. It wants your head back. What a mess.
  5. This rascal is very creative. No idea how he got up there.
  6. Do you have a corrupt DOJ? Face!
  7. The guy sh*ts his pants in public and that's all you've got? What a mess.
  8. More dumb sh*t from the biggest dope on PPP. What a mess.
  9. Biden is such a cognitive mess. Embarrassing. What a mess.
  10. Dems need victims to stay in power. Try being a victor not a victim, for once, you loser. What a mess.
  11. Dems use minorities for their benefit to stay in power. Pathetic. Everyone sees that now. F Joe Biden. Evil. What a mess.
  12. Fresh Wine.
  13. Biden and immigration. What a mess.
  14. Nothing gets done at any level in NY until someone in government gets paid. This place is a suck hole. What a mess.
  15. Hunter's going to nail Jill after Demented Biden dies and get her hooked on crack. What a mess.
  16. Bidenomics. Why don't you hear that anymore? Because it blows dead donkeys. What a mess.
  17. Dr? Hilarious!
  18. Will Hunter tap Jill and try to get her hooked on crack after Demented Joe tips over? Hhmmmm?
  19. Obama presidency good? Which one of the three? What a mess.
  20. 100% How some of these clowns believe what they post is mind boggling. What a mess.
  21. Demented, Incompetent, Incontinent Biden. What a mess....in his pants.
  22. As usual, you are not thinking clearly. One thing most American's like is fairness. It's true in sports, politics, you name it. What the dirty Democrats did in NY flies in the face of fairness. As a result, people are responding. It's blowing up in their face. It will be worse if Trump is jailed. What a mess.
  23. You're hilarious!
  24. Israel wasting their time with conventional weapons. All those hostages are dead. Push the button!
  25. Go ahead lock him up. If there was ever any doubt about the election, that would win it for Trump. What a mess.
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