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Everything posted by Irv

  1. Milwaukee? I spent a week there one day. What a mess.
  2. Even though he's a nuclear-grade douche waffle, I'm starting to feel sorry for the demented old *****. Hunter better coke him up good for the debates or he might die. What a mess.
  3. I tend to agree, but the competitor introductions at Nathan's are priceless. That guy is so funny. The moron protester last year was great theater as well.
  4. Ruskies rubbing sh*t in Demented Biden's face. Another botch job on foreign policy. It's always fun to have a major enemy 90 miles off Miami. What a mess. Ruskie Update/What a Mess
  5. That is classic!
  6. What a mess. Demented Biden screws the pooch again. Can't even get his own son off.
  7. Mine too. Clover to grass ratio 85/15. What a mess.
  8. If Biden can't make it, which is absolutely happening, would you prefer to see Newsome or Harris get the nod for the Dems?
  9. 100% Roadhouse (the original) is a cinematic masterpiece. I rank it right up there with Showgirls and a distant third, Gone with the Wind.
  10. Demented Joe completely botched this too. Now his only son is going to the clink for up to 25. Tried to sneak by the sweet plea deal. Fail! Don't drop the soap, Hunter! What a mess.
  11. Hey @phypon, this topic needs to be updated to: "Convicted Felon Hunter Biden Found Guilty"
  12. Years of lies all coming out now. Phony J6 Commission. Idiots like Jizz Cheney shooting her blowhole off. Dopey Biden shooting his off. What a mess.
  13. Saw Bills fans in Dublin Ireland and St Kitts/Nevis within the last six months.
  14. You know things are in the toilet when CNN reports this. What a mess.
  15. What is that thing in the red moo moo? What a rhythmic mess.
  16. Demented Biden continues to botch this whole thing. In fact, he just makes it worse. What a mess.
  17. Biden's lies have lies.
  18. I did not know him personally, but possibly Jim Morrison.
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