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Everything posted by Irv

  1. Scraps? That’s what we’ll be picking at the garbage dump looking for food if the Bidinflation continues. What a mess.
  2. Keep you Depends on! Gonna nickname you Louis Leaky.
  3. Baldwin pissing himself first day on trial. Going to pay for his total disregard for others lives. Guns are not toys you use playing Cowboys and Indians.
  4. Obammy’s third term. Put your head back in the sand. What a mess.
  5. Don’t soil yourself. Just because you’ve been lied to for four years about the presidency, it’s no reason to piss your pants. What a mess.
  6. Now that we clearly see the Obammy Syndicate going after Dopey Joe - we know who was/is running the Executive Branch. A bunch of scumbags. What amess.
  7. Dems to invoke the 25th on July 25th. I'll get the popcorn ready.
  8. That speach sucked. He read the same thing over and over again. Boring. Notice how they didn’t show him going to the stage just in case he got lost or fell again. What mess.
  9. The country is long past the question of whether Biden should run for another term. It's clear that he cannot. Now we need to move to - can he finish his first term? Again, he clearly cannot. Time for Harris and the losers on Capitol Hill to pull the plug. What a mess.
  10. Look at the look of horror on the faces of Biden's handlers in this video, then tell me they didn't know his brain was mush. What a mess. Biden's Mush Brain
  11. I thought that too. Potential AI? I mean the WH already gave MSNBC the questions. What a mess.
  12. Uh oh! This has to be the final nail. Biden Has Parkinson's
  13. Yet the station still has a link to the interview. And surprise, surprise no mention of this on CNN. A Dope Interviewing the Dopey EDIT: Now taken down.
  14. I wish Trump would stay away from this type of thing. Needs to keep Joe in the race, not chase him out. What a mess.
  15. What a mess.
  16. Oddly enough I thought the interview was very fair. Dem controlled press is no longer covering for this loser. What a mess.
  17. Once again you are wrong. Joe is fabulous. He’s doing a great job. Four more years! Four more years! Repeat the line! Four more years!
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