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Everything posted by Irv

  1. He was a legend. May he rest in peace.
  2. Would not get the Muslim vote in Wisconsin. What a mess.
  3. Biden appoints independent investigator to look into Trump assassination attempt.
  4. When scum Obammy kicks Demented Biden to the curb, who will he pick?
  5. They're too busy supporting Todd's ninth month abortion. What a mess.
  6. You think the GOP members would vote no on the 25th? Hmmm. Never thought of that.
  7. The big question is what happens if he drops out? If he says it's because he can't win, then the obvious question is why? If it's because of his mental health, then they have to invoke the 25th. If they say it's because the policies have not worked, then he wipes out the entire Democrat party down to the dog catcher level. They are totally screwed. Self-inflicted wounds.
  8. This is not true. The Dems are not saying he's unfit to be President. They are saying he should get out because he can't win. Big difference. If they said the former, then they would be forced to invoke the 25th Amendment. Rather than being Third Term Obammy's puppet, Harris might actually think and act for herself and they don't want that!
  9. Here's a guy swamp Democrats dragged out of retirement and got him to run. He obviously was never making the decisions at any point during his presidency. All the swamp Democrat policies ended up sucking. Then he gets Demetia/Alzheimer's/Parkinson's whatever. Then Obammy/Pelosi/Schumer/Harris/swamp Democrats kick's his demented ass to the curb when he's no longer useful to them. Shows you how disgusting the scumbag Democrats are in Washington. Everybody who voted for him - I feel sorry for you too. You got jobbed. You'll get jobbed again if Harris or whoever they select to be the puppet, gets elected. What a mess.
  10. The right $$$$$ has not been placed in front of their crime syndicate. It will. Just wait.
  11. Demented Biden stopped taking orders from Third Term Obammy. Now he's taking them from "Dr" Jill and crackhead Hunter. What a mess.
  12. If you didn't buy a car, he kicked dirt on you.
  13. Forget the mask. Forget COVID. Do you see the slope of those stairs? Incredible risk taking. Can't believe the Secret Service allowed it. Biden cheated death.
  14. Who is advising this idiot? Stop talking. Stop doing interviews. Just stop. Go to the basement.
  15. Trump should terminate her/it/them during his inauguration speech. What a mess.
  16. Trump getting shot was probably a cheap fake right? What a bunch of idiots.
  17. Is it a pre-requisite to be butt ugly in order to lead the Secret Service?
  18. Breaking News. Trump Rally head of security identified as Quincy Magoo. Mr. Magoo is a 30-year veteran of the Secret Service.
  19. It's nice to see almost unilateral agreement on PPP on the ineptitude of the SS leadership. Let's be honest here. Wouldn't it be a political win for Biden if he just sh*t canned Cheatle? Who's advising Biden? This just makes him look even worse - if that's possible. What a mess.
  20. President Biden moves quickly to replace dismissed Secrete Service leadership. Assistant Director R.P. Coltrane to start immediately.
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