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Everything posted by Irv

  1. What a mess. 14 more days. Repeat the line.
  2. Typical Lib. NOTHING the government provides is free. NOTHING. Somebody has to pay for it. What a mess.
  3. Second from the left is Venezuelan gang banger illegal. Far right - Honduran rapist. The rest are soymilk drinking, green, tree hugging, pacifist panty wastes and lesbians. Have fun filling out the paperwork for the unemployment line. What a mess. Honestly, give them credit. Day in and day out they defended the disaster of worst President and policies in US history. KJP as stupid as she/it/they is, makes Pinocchio look like Honest Abe. Repeat the line. Can't wait to read the books when they come out. What a mess x2.
  4. He could easily have another 6-8 touchdowns if it weren't for his freak show quarterback who can score at will from inside the five yard line.
  5. Considering getting one. My gas grill is on last legs. Thye are made pretty cheaply, and I use the shlt out of mine. Will it completely replace the gas grill? Any better models than Blackstone? Thanks!
  6. Most of the graduate student "professors" I had at UB looked like they slept in their clothes at the lab the night before. The textbook was their lecture. Nothing prepared in advance. Just read the textbook. I also remember clearly the professors smoking like chimneys in class. That was back in the 80's. I had a night real estate gen ed class. As soon as the lecturer took a break my buddies and I made a beeline to Third Base. It was Thursday night. Five dollars all-you-can-drink.
  7. McDaniel has a hot date digging clams after the loss.
  8. What a mess. At least give the f*cking award to Americans. Demented Biden/Obammy WTF!
  9. Demented Biden and Obammy totally screwed the pooch on this one. What a mess.
  10. What a douche waffle! I thought he liked Mayhem? WTF?
  11. It's obvious Santa didn't bring you any common sense for Christmas. Or are you waiting for that during Ramadan? Nice job Demented Biden/Obammy. What a mess.
  12. FBI investigating? Yeah right! N.O. terrorist was active on PPP. Biden should resign today. We can't wait eighteen more days. What a mess!
  13. Tibs. I was alive during his presidency. Do you remember the way you were allowed to buy gas was based on the last digit on your license plate. Odd days and even days. Hope to God you didn’t run out on an even day if your plate ended in an odd number. WTF. “What a mess” originated with this guy. Good guy. Awful politician and leader. RIP.
  14. Irv

    RIP Linda Lavin

    Funny lady. Actually sung the theme songs for Alice. May she RIP.
  15. What a mess. Twenty-two more days left of this loser?
  16. I agree 100% Sincerely, Jumping Through Burning Tables
  17. Based on what I saw yesterday, there can be only one choice:
  18. Awesome. Despite our differences, I'd like to have beer with you. Merry Christmas!
  19. I thought Obammy was the current President? Who the fuuuck knows who's in charge now? Looks like Trump has taken control from the demented one. What a mess.
  20. Does Tibs control Roundy's wanker or does Roundy's wanker control Tibs? What a mess.
  21. You must not live near the grocery store. What a mess.
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