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Everything posted by Irv

  1. Finally, that moron Cheatle took the hint. What a mess.
  2. I really don't think he is dead either. Too busy beating Medicare to die.
  3. Can you pardon someone if you are dead? Like in your will or something?
  4. I'd vote for this Kamala before the ***** VP and he's been dead for a couple years. What a mess.
  5. I agree with this. He can't win? Then the next logical question is - why?
  6. After the massive 3.5 year cover up. Would it be that far out there to assume Biden is dead? Uh. No! Now we get three months of being lied to about how great BJ Harris is. What a mess.
  7. Sad you toss your puppet to the curb. Your vote meant nothing. You got jobbed by Obammy. Fool.
  8. Dude is already dead. Sad. You got used. Dopey voter.
  9. Could he be dead? What a mess.
  10. How dumb are you Democrats? You got jobbed and lied to. Are you that f*cking stupid? You could see how far gone he was. What a mess. Is he dead now?
  11. At least Biden beat Medicare before he dropped out. That alone, should cement his legacy. What a mess.
  12. I wonder if he dies between now and the election if that will help the Dems? If I was Biden I'd stay as far away from the Clinton's as possible.
  13. I noticed that too.
  14. Why doesn't he quit right now? He got the bank he was holding out for. Why bother continuing?
  15. I did not read it in his drop out tweet. Why did he drop out?
  16. When will Obammy announce his running mate?
  17. Barry Obammy has already made his pick. What a mess.
  18. Kamala definitely has lockjaw. You couldn't knob that many dudes without it.
  19. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
  20. I forgot about all the dead and repeat voters. What a mess.
  21. Who cares who the Dems run? I don't. They're going to get spanked.
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