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Everything posted by Irv

  1. Harris has no brain. Walz has no balls. Nice combination.
  2. At this point, just get rid of women's sports. It's useless. Nice job Biden.
  3. Tampon Tim Stolen Valor No Balls Walz. That has a nice ring to it!
  4. The person(s) protesting were total plants. You must believe pro wrestling is real too. Hilarious.
  5. Who's in charge of the Executive Branch now that Biden is in hospice and has a DNR?
  6. Walz means "yellow" in German. Pronounced "w" like a "v". What a coward.
  7. I always wondered how they could keep anybody on a “no fly” from going in the stadium. They say they ban a guy for life from the stadium. How?
  8. Is he dead or in hospice? Who's minding the store? What a mess.
  9. Limp Walz doesn't mean jack sh*t. Harris is the right puppet for Obammy. What a mess.
  10. Obammy knows they can't let that Chucklehead speak. Too dumb. Obammy Puppet Basement Policy 2.0. ACTIVATE!
  11. Boats N Hoes. Have fun in the soup line loser.
  12. You're funny. Needed the laugh today.
  13. You must not be familiar with Beltway politics.
  14. Got a new video, Bluetooth, solar camera feeder from my family for Father's day. Finally got around to putting it up. It is made by Soliom. Got a video of this guy. Any idea what it is?
  15. I have to agree on the Harris team roll-out. I frequent YouTube and 75% of the videos start with an add with her ugly jizz face begging for money. This Walz guy is a lunatic.
  16. Dems just gave up PA and turned their back on every Jew in the country except Schumer who is busy eliminating Israel. Buh-bye. What a mess.
  17. The Fed will do whoever is running the Executive Branch tells them to do. This is not helping Chucklehead Harris win any elections. What a mess.
  18. Demented Biden turned my 401K into a 301K the last three trading days. Thanks Biden.
  19. The problem with Harris is that she's a complete moron. Dumber than a bag of hammers. How can she possibly be President? Another Obammy puppet, yes. But not an actual President. Just too stupid. What a mess.
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