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Everything posted by Irv

  1. Feel bad for you clowns. Again, you are getting lied to and treated like the fools you are. If Harris wins, she won't be President. Somebody else will. Look how they're hiding her from the press. Very sad for the Democrats. You got jobbed. Again.
  2. Yeah. Chucklehead Harris was never in charge of anything regarding the border. What a lie. Demented Biden Appoints Harris Border Czar
  3. Hopefully no Democrats get attacked by two guys wearing MAGA hats. Regards, Jussie
  4. Why can't the Dems run a real candidate instead of another Obammy puppet? Like Pelosi or Schumer aren't more qualified than this chucklehead? The reason Pelosi and Schumer don't run is that they might actually think for themselves, unlike this idiot BJ master Harris. This is a joke.
  5. That was the worst thing I've seen in my life.
  6. No. I don't give a sh*t. She's an idiot.
  7. No. But your mom does.
  8. When do the Clinton's whack out Walz?
  9. Right after this post, I'm going to gouge my eyes out.
  10. 1. What is she going to do for inflation? Well. Uh. Well. That's a mean question! **Laughs.** 2. What is she going to do with the border? Well uh. Well. That's a racist question. **Laughs** 3. What is she going to do with abortion? It's called "women's reproductive rights" Abortion should be allowed post-delivery. You're a sexist. . **Laughs** 4. What is she going to do with taxes and spending? Well um. Uh. Defund the police? Kill all the Jews. Burn the neighborhoods. That's a racist question. . **Laughs** 5. What is central to her foreign policy? Well um. Uh Defund the police? You're a racist. **Laughs**
  11. They never say why and the f*cking liberal media never ask why. What I want to know why Why did his democratic friends think he would hurt the races? Why? Isn't that an obvious follow-up question? WTF!
  12. The guy is a pathological liar. Lies about rank. Lies about deployment to Afghanistan. Lies about being the head football coach. Turns his back on his unit when things got tough. Coward and lair. What a mess.
  13. No. Biden will just slowly go away. He has no need to be nasty.
  14. Liberal biased media wouldn't report it.
  15. Dems anoint a ridiculously stupid and unqualified moron for President who, BTW, nobody voted for. Then they top it off with a f*cking coward liar for VP. What a mess.
  16. Is it true that Biden died over the weekend?
  17. Seemed to me the athletes cared more about boosting their social media footprint than winning medals. They should just not have the Olympics anymore. Buh bye. What a mess.
  18. Does it matter if she does a news conference or not? You could replace her with a cardboard cutout. If she wins, Obammy gets another four years. What a mess.
  19. If the Chucklehead Harris wins, it will be that way another four years for fourth term Obammy. What a mess.
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