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Everything posted by Irv

  1. You're a racist. Obammy bad. Orange Man good. Go away racist.
  2. 23 murders? Good tradeoff for a vote! Sincerely, Border Czar Harris
  3. Biden flatlined in Vegas. Media covering it up.
  4. Why did Waltz get his/it/they stomach pumped full of horse jizz?
  5. This coward is such a fraud. Did they actually vet him? Laughable. He's going to get chewed up in a debate. Coward.
  6. The dude sucked off a horse, lied about his military rank for years, ditched his unit when they were getting deployed, now we find out about a DUI going 96MPH? What a dirtbag.
  7. Shut up Mr. Poopy Pants. Why don't they do these things now?
  8. Everybody's a racist. Who cares how you say her name? She's a total idiot.
  9. You can always tell when the Demented One is about to tell another lie. He always says, "True Story" or the other one is "This is Not a Joke". No Joe. You're the joke. What a mess.
  10. This whole price controls thing is preposterous. If Wegmans can't make money on a gallon of milk or a loaf of bread. Guess what. They won't sell milk, and they won't sell bread. But the average low-IQ Democrat doesn't have the capacity to understand that, and the Harris team knows it. In the end, Wegmans goes out-of-business and so do all the farmers. Brilliant! What a mess.
  11. Was Milano working out with Marquis Goodwin? WTF?
  12. If she's so G-D smart, then why is Obammy hiding her/it/they from the press? What a mess.
  13. Barry's currently in his third term. She'll say what Barry tells her/it/they overseas too.
  14. If she wins, she won't be President. Obammy will. She might as well be a cardboard cutout. Maybe that's what these idiot Democrats want. De Facto leader. What a mess.
  15. Yes. I'm really scare of black men. What an idiot.
  16. Harris = Obammy Puppet 2.0
  17. Obammy led Dems rely on tricks, lies, and slight-of-hand to win elections. Bunch of con artists. What a mess.
  18. Biden never did anything without Obammy telling him to. Just like the next puppet if she gets elected.
  19. Waltz should be tried for stolen valor and thrown in jail. What kind of scumbag does that? Only awful dirtbags like this sh*thead Waltz. All the men and women who died serving our country are rolling in their graves. F*ck him.
  20. It's the only strategy that might work. She's too f*cking dumb to talk or answer questions.
  21. Who'd she knob to pass the bar?
  22. I actually agree with you for the most part. Holy sh*t!
  23. Why does anybody care what Harris' position is on any topic? First of all, she/it/they have no original thoughts other than what Obammy tells her. Second, Obammy will change his/it/their stance based on which way the wind is blowing. What a mess.
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