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Everything posted by Irv

  1. I didn't even know there was a PPP. I'm too focused on my graphics arts career.
  2. Who's leading the race for most obnoxious politician in America at this point?
  3. Really bad O-line Running for your freaking life Tear your ACL Zay has concrete hands Bounce one off of his helmet Bad interception. Benjamin quits route O-line forgot to block 'em Throw it into turf Josh runs for his life Scores another run touchdown Fan slammed through table I'll be here all week!
  4. I said graphic arts. Not sound engineering. I'm only human.
  5. I actually agree with Gugny for once. You enter the bathroom to take a dump and if anyone is there - leave. Same goes for the moron who sits down when you are mid-dump. I leave. Ridgeway. I took graphics arts in college. This is one of my finer pieces. Call me.
  6. This was one of my best posts......that got me penalty points. You know I took graphic arts in college. Unfortunately my talent is wasted on Hapless Bills Fan.
  7. Eighteen (count them) articles on the TBD News page about a rugby player signing with the Bills. Another article about signing a veteran punter. When's the draft? Where's the naked, bleeding guy attempting to jump out the window when you need him?
  8. We won't be 24th at the end of the season with the AFC East title under our belt. ESPN should be power slammed through a burning table.
  9. A fat pig might be good on the hat to honor 2019 6th round draft pick announcer Rochester "Mayor" Lovely Warren.
  10. I would have preferred the default: chicken wings and a Niagara Falls panorama.
  11. I’m offended by your post. I’m going to cry to the moderators and soil myself.
  12. Yeah. Noting that two people look alike is racist? That was odd.
  13. I got a penalty point for something extremely innocuous a while back. The way some were stroking out about this thread, I was wondering if another one was coming. Thankfully moderators have a sense of humor
  14. Irv forgives!!!!
  15. I agree, When I completed more passes to the Jags than my team, Whaley/Smollett was toast. Sad EJ
  16. Agree. They both are rather handsome looking lads. Sad thing is Smollett probably could have done better as GM.
  17. They look exactly alike. Maybe Whaley was the one who got mugged. That's why the charges got dropped.
  18. Bills need to do their homwework. Mayor Warren wore a Nike cap to welcomne kids back to school last year right after the Kaepernick ad came out. Beane must have missed that. Sure the NFL will be happy. Trade the pick!
  19. Very difficult to tell.
  20. Yes - we've had some terrible GM's. But, he seems to have a solid plan in place. We have the 4th highest cap space available this year and are projected to have the highest in 2020. He arguably got the franchise QB we needed. The fans seem engaged. If we make the playoffs this year, I'd argue that he is one of the best GM's in the league and the best since Bills GM since Polian.
  21. I'll take Buffalonians over the silicone phonies in LA any day. AB was a bad fit. Trade the jerk to Cleveland!
  22. With JJ Watt there, Clowney should have way better results. Watt gets manhandled by 2 or 3 guys every play. They can keep him.
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