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Everything posted by Irv

  1. When I was young and dumber I bought two tickets from a Scalper for my girlfriend and myself. Didn't look too close at them and price was cheap. They weren't even in the same section. Rookie move. Never again.
  2. Father died when I was 13. Mother was very distant and demeaning - also deceased. So one unknown, and the other definitely no.
  3. Seeing Antonio Brown implosion got me thinking. Do you think the outrageous players (AB, CK, OBJ, Ochocinco, TO, Neon Deion, etc.) are acting on their own or being given bad advice by publicists, or hanger's-on? I wonder what these guys are thinking when they probably know acting like a maniac usually ends poorly. I'm pretty much sure it hurts their careers worse than just staying anonymous. But I could be naïve. What do you think?
  4. Kiko doesn't get traded. He trades himself.
  5. At the airport?
  6. Yes Yes
  7. Never seemed to run straight forward. Line sucked - I get it. But every once in a while you need to hit the hole regardless of how small it might be.
  8. Yarborough and Murphy are NFL locks.
  9. Vomit inducing.
  10. After hearing Yoko, John paid Hinkley to shoot him.
  11. Pistol Packing Punks!
  12. I was there a month or so ago. What a total swill hole. Bums on every corner. Dudes trying to wash your window at every stop light. Stoned out addicts begging for money all over the place. There is litter everywhere. A total dump. Buffalo gets a bad rap. I'd take Buffalo any day over that dump.
  13. The guy is moron. Sincerely, Andy Luck
  14. I think I dated her mom.
  15. If you could instantly fly or be invisible and be able to switch back to your normal state, which one would you choose and why?
  16. He's going to come back. No doubt. Too young to hang it up. YES
  17. You won't be saying that if the Bills lose home field.
  18. I studied graphic arts in college.
  19. A couple of points. Let's say the Bills plane goes down. No scratch that. The Patriots plane goes down. The Browns are scheduled to play the Pats and the Colts are not. The Browns go 10-5 because the game got cancelled and the Colts go 11-5 to clinch the home field. That's not fair. Also after reading the NFL plan I'm thinking we should have shot down the Bills plane at least once during the drought and got a new team.
  20. What do you think the NFL would do if a team had a plane crash week one of the pre-season and there were no survivors?
  21. Start him under one condition - he is not alowed to run past the line of scrimmage under any circumstances.
  22. I would start Jones. Sincerely, Peterman
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