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Everything posted by Irv

  1. I think his sideline reporting and color commentary pretty much ended any chance he had at the HOF.
  2. Same thing happened to me. It was the Company President. The jerk is in the media a lot and gets ripped to shreds. I just laugh. I wouldn't pee on him if he was on fire. If that makes me bad - I don't want to be good.
  3. Who cares? Sincerely, Dareus
  4. This is a bandwagon thread. At the beginning of the year everyone said it’s a passing league and backs are a dime a dozen. Now Henry mows down a couple teams and we need a big back.
  5. He has nobody around him in NE. Chargers seem to disagree.
  6. I know we are not one player away but Brady would be a huge upgrade. With him we win playoff games.
  7. Many of his sacks and Shaq’s were poor blocking by the opponents O-lines. They just ran straight in and plowed the QB. I’d rather pay a guy like Hughes who gets held every play and earns his sacks. Adios Phillips.
  8. I think AB is a pretty stable guy. People should leave him alone. Sincerely, Incognito
  9. My navigator drank a 12 pack on the way down from Rochester and GPS wasn't working. We were right outside the harbor. Nasty. If you look at Google Maps it takes you right through B-more. We just made a wrong exit. I do have to admit that in prior trips, that the aquarium there is incredible. https://www.google.com/maps/dir/Rochester,+New+York/Washington,+District+of+Columbia/@39.2001702,-76.6669471,12z/data=!4m14!4m13!1m5!1m1!1s0x89d6b3059614b353:0x5a001ffc4125e61e!2m2!1d-77.6088465!2d43.1565779!1m5!1m1!1s0x89b7c6de5af6e45b:0xc2524522d4885d2a!2m2!1d-77.0368707!2d38.9071923!3e0
  10. Glassy Watkins is just another loser drafted by this guy.
  11. Baltimore is a s-hole. Took a wrong turn last summer on way to DC. Ended up in downtown B-more. Trash, drug addicts, hookers, bums, gang bangers everywhere. Never go there ever.
  12. Desperation move. Superman never had to tell anybody how strong he was. Good bye Phillips.
  13. From a sports perspective when did someone being tall turn into having “LENGTH”. I hate that.
  14. I'm through with the words "trope" and "woke". It's like CNN, Hollywood, D.C. just figured out what they mean and now everyone is using them. Evidence that our society is desperately seeking new ways to be offended. While we're at it, let's throw microaggression in there too. Any words you can't stand to hear anymore?
  15. Go Bonas! Sincerely, Guy Who Sends Both Daughters, All Income, and Savings to SBU
  16. I'm concerned that Duke is receiving the same off season "how-to-catch" training as Clank/Zay.
  17. I can see it now. Pelosi, Schumer and the gang of idiots hop on a plane and beg for Iran's forgiveness in yet, another B.S. political stunt. Pathetic.
  18. OLB - who's going to replace Alexander? Edge - Let Shaq walk. I'm not even sure i would call him an "Edge" other than setting the edge. Take a close look at his sacks. A lot were blown blocking where he just ran right in. Same with Murphy. QB - Bring in Dalton TE - I'm not sold on the crew we have RB - Gore's through. Yeldon not an option. WR - One more good one would help round out the receiving corps if we can get a pass catching TE. Best Player Available - Hopefully on the OL
  19. Last year 52.8% This year 58.8% 30-40% is too high. If he could stop fumbling so much maybe he'd become elite.
  20. Will these clowns will call at least one holding penalty when Jerry Hughes gets choke holded every play. Thankful for no Hochuli.
  21. Great site. Thankful for sanctuary status from defunct BBMB.
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