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Everything posted by Irv

  1. Yes. Dems don't lie: Cumala Harris Before / After "We need open borders" / "I will close the borders" "No more fracking" / "Hurray". Me love fracking" "Biden is sharp as a tack" / Vote for me! "Mandate EV's" / "I do not support an electric vehicle mandate" "I don't use fake accents" / "Ya betta thank a union memba for sick leave! Word Up!” "Eliminate private health care" / Private health care is the best! We would never ask you to leave your doctor" "Defund the police." / "I love police. We need more." "Defund ICE" / "Ice Ice baby! I will secure the border that I told you was secure a hundred time before" "Green New Deal Rulz." / We need to pump the brakes on the Green New Deal."
  2. Billsy - Your mom never complains when I go on the internet. As long as I satisfy her, she doesn't care.
  3. Anything for a vote, including turning your back on Americans desperately in need, repeatedly. After I got done with Momma Stojan last night, she told me she was switching her vote to Trump. What a mess.
  4. That's not what Momma Stojan said last night. Broad absolutely worships me.
  5. So, we agree. You're voting Trump after this latest of messes. Finally, some common sense. What a mess.
  6. That's not what Momma Stojan thinks. She digs face paint.
  7. She's still amazing.
  8. Come down to the Carolina. I’ll show you after I’m done with your mom.
  9. Demented Biden and Cumala completely screw this up. You could not script a worse response. What a mess.
  10. Not really. But I get really tired of doing push up’s on your mon.
  11. Demented Biden and Cumala botch another thing. Wars everywhere, inflation, high prices on everything, overrun border, out-of-control crime. Now they can't help our own citizens during a disaster because they wasted money on rapists and murders to scratch out a few more votes. Disgraceful. What a mess.
  12. He looks like a dolt. I'll kick sand in his face if I ever see him on a beach. What a mess.
  13. Biden and Harris botch another thing. What a mess.
  14. Not really. I left a mess on your mom’s face last night.
  15. You better watch it. You’ll get the Eric Adam’s treatment. Dems don’t want that. Need the bribes. You’re f*cked.
  16. Rightfully so. She realizes she is unqualified more so than unqualified, stolen valor Walz. What a mess.
  17. You should apologize to your parents for being born. They must be humiliated at what they turned out. In fact, they should apologize to all humanity for how they raised such a dolt. What a mess. On a side note, Demented Biden and Cumala too busy vacationing and hiding from the press to bother to do anything. Thankfully it will be over soon.
  18. Somehow that will be blamed on Trump. What a mess.
  19. Go back to fawning and funding illegals while actual citizens are left to suffer. You could give a *****. You're taking valuable time from you cracking off on your Cumala face pics. What a mess.
  20. Are you better off than 1/20/21? Obviously, if you are an actual United States citizen, the answer is a big fat no! Why would you vote for this mess again - so it can get worse? What a mess!
  21. It was Cumala's coke. Everybody knows it. Just listen to her blather. What a druggie. What a mess.
  22. It's all my fault. I stopped in the white zone.
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