Howard Stern’s Lord and Savior is the almighty dollar. He got paid to suck up to Cumala. Sell out will say anything to grab another dollar. Same asshat who, after a plane crashed into a bridge, called the airline and asked how much a one-way ticket to the bridge would cost. Think about how many people he hurt by that stunt. What a f*cking dick. Obviously hair dye leaked into his tiny brain. What a mess.
Meanwhile people are dying, Demented Biden is sleeping, and Cumala is being interviewed by scumbag Howard Stern: Racist Sexist, Homophobe, Scumbag Stern
Turn you backs on US citizens for a few more votes effin' dirtbags. What a mess.
She/it/they is such a dope. Her/it/that elected President? Of the United States? As in America? You must be kidding. Even if you hate Trump, you can't be so ignorant as to vote for this f*cking moron. What a mess.
If it hits a swing state Cumala will be there with guarantees of $22.57 for each affected. Black, Latino, and LGBQT3.14@# will get an extra ten bucks each, for reparations. The rest can suck hind teet. What a mess.
F*ck FEMA. Demented Biden and Cumala have wiped out their funds, spending on illegals for a few extra votes. Let the locals take care of it. FEMA has been ass-raped by the current administration and is rendered useless. Harris wouldn't even bother going to NC if it wasn't a swing state. Biden doesn't even know where NC is. Trash. What a mess.