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Everything posted by Irv

  1. I would have rather had this Kincaid on the field yesterday.
  2. Jackson is MVP of turnovers. He was the Bills MVP last night. Have fun golfing.
  3. Money Maker Mike is stoked!
  4. I only wish @BillStime were here to witness the swearing in. Sad day, indeed.
  5. Finally, a semblance of normalcy! What a mess!
  6. @BillStime - where is she when we need her? Hunger strike? Chained to a tree? Laying down in the highway? Throwing red die at fur wearers? What a mess.
  7. Be aware, that natural gas coming from your house is at a lower pressure than that from a propane tank. If you hook up the meant-for-propane Blackstone or any other propane appliance, for that matter, you will need to drill out the orifice on the propane appliance to get more natural gas to the appliance. I think that U-Haul sells something to help with that. Good luck.
  8. I went to UB in the mid-to-late 80's. Some of the instruction halls (you could not call them classrooms) were so big, you could barely see the professor if not right up front. For all I know, they could have been holograms. Think of Knox 20. If you had class there - you know.
  9. I surrender! 🍺
  10. OK. We'll make Canada the 52nd state. Don't stroke out. Big Daddy of Russia Ukraine? That's funny. There are not enough bed sheets and broom handles in Cananda to make enough surrender flags. It would take a half hour to take over, tops. Eh?
  11. After some research it seems like the Greenland economy is heavily subsidized by the Danes. But also understand the filthy Chinese are glomming onto the natural resources. What do you think about Cananda 51st, then Greenland 52nd? Hell, while we're at it, let's take over Cuba and Panama for 53 and 54!
  12. Obammy/Demented Biden. What a mess.
  13. Hopefully the Secret Service will be able to handle with the steep roofs. What a mess.
  14. California. What a mess.
  15. I have appreciation that we won't have to see this Demented idiot's face ever again. What a mess.
  16. All the amendments are important. This concerns me.
  17. There's no Transfer Portal in the NFL. Sorry Neon, Coach Prime, whatever you call yourself. Try not to get rolled by BYU in a bowl game then maybe think about the NFL.
  18. Irv

    RIP Bob Uecker

    R.I.P. What a gift to baseball.
  19. Obammy/Biden/Newsom Wildfire Response Team
  20. Who cares? Thankfully we won't have to look at her hideous face. That mug could make a train take a detour. Yuck! What a mess!
  21. Obammy/Biden foreign policy. What a mess.
  22. Obammy speaking on behalf of the White House. When will this loser go away? What a mess.
  23. Obammy didn't approve Austin notifying the WH nor Congress. What a mess.
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