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Everything posted by CommonCents

  1. Theo Epstein for GM and Bruce Arians for head coach.
  2. Preston going hard on Karlos. I wonder if he could cover fat Karlos?
  3. Are those humans playing football?
  4. Looked like they had him in three layers of shirts and sweat pants today. That must have sucked.
  5. Charlie Whitehurst to the rescue.
  6. Want to play with stats? Every team in the top 10 for rush defense made the playoffs last year. Edit: the Jets didn't make it but they won 10 games. I still find that stat interesting.
  7. Broken foot is no joke for WR's, Edelman is on his second surgery and the local Pats reporters are now suggesting he might miss the first two weeks of the regular season.
  8. Must be horrifying for everyone involved. From everything being reported it makes me wonder why Disney didn't put up warnings for gators. It's a resort, naturally your going to get people who are unfamiliar with the threat, wouldn't it make sense too go overboard with caution rather than a kid getting hauled off? A sign indicating the presence of gators is a far bigger deterrent than a no swimming sign. What a horrible week for Orlando. Poor kid.
  9. I'm not sure what you guys are seeing. If I'm banging out an oldie it goes Aniston, Cox, Ryan. I think Ryan is the oldest of that trio too.
  10. The team is built for it, the coaching staff is not. They are already under the microscope if they lose a couple games due to 2 point conversions that might be the breaking point. Anything over 50 percent is a plus, that's a really simplistic take. The percentages are going to be better against bad teams. If you can get over a 50 percent conversion each and every game sure go for it. You will be in tight games vs. good teams and naturally they will be more prepared. 5 touchdowns vs. Miami you convert four 2 point conversions. It raises your success rate but doesn't affect the game, it's a blow out. 3 touchdowns vs Pats. You only convert once and lose in a close game. Your percentage is above 50 but it's hurting you.
  11. Has anyone read anything from Dr. Sebastian Gorka? Just curious, I was thinking about reading his latest book. I'm not a fan of Foxnews or MSM in general I usually bounce around and try to see the middle ground. Gorka seems straightforward though and has plenty of accolades. Is he worth a read?
  12. It's funny cuz he's fat. Jokes aside, TC is a month and a half away. He is young with a big frame, he can burn that fat off in no time as long as he stops eating like a pregnant woman. Talks of cutting him are crazy talk.
  13. Weren't all the 9/11 inbreds spotted a night or two earlier together drinking in a strip club?
  14. I like it, the team could eat the deal after the third year if they needed too.
  15. So to recap Draymond is a hot head second to only Rodman in stupid fits of anger. Lebron is lauded for being one of the most cerebral players in the history of the NBA. Lebron got what he expected, did he think it would be a shot to the nuts? Who knows. He knew he would get a reaction and I'm sure the entire Cavs team was well aware of Draymond's looming suspension. What Lebron did was smart, he took advantage of stupid. Doesn't mean anyone is going to like seeing one of the best players sidelined when the NBA has been nothing but inconsistent.
  16. NFL averages don't mean that much, how much guaranteed money do you think he will get? I don't want the team to go overboard and offer a deal that will affect future negotiations with Darby. That may sound premature seeing as Darby only has one season under his belt, but he showed enough that you can't close that door.
  17. I said it as soon as it happened, you don't step over someone like that on the court. Anyone that plays basketball at a relatively competitive level will say the same thing. Heck, even his own teammate said it. Being on the ground is bad enough, you don't let a man walk his balls past your face while your down there.
  18. Ehh just part of the business, I'm not going to get caught up in it. I hope they don't overpay him, I would like him back but not with a top five CB price tag.
  19. That picture says everything I need to know. The shirt says "All in" the rest of the picture says "NOT".
  20. Karlos Williams looking like he ate Eddie Lacy.
  21. http://m.townhall.com/tipsheet/christinerousselle/2016/06/13/omar-mateen-planned-attack-on-disney-n2177529 Certainly doesn't sound convincing that this pop tart just hated gays.
  22. My guess is that is Fitz and the Jets will sign a deal when camp gets closer or at the beginning of it. 0 chance they don't get this done. They remind me of the crazy married couple. They need each other and no one else wants em.
  23. Kneel and kiss the king's rings Kevin! Gosh I hope Steph goes lights out tonight and let's Lebron have it. I would enjoy him being humbled and on the sidelines with 6 minutes or so to go.
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