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Everything posted by daquix

  1. Ditto. Since when did Peters become the best OL in the league? Look at a few posts on this board and you would be sure that he is only a few mere weeks away from Canton.
  2. Any really good FB's in this draft? It would be great to have a bone-jarring FB.
  3. I am no expert on the scenarios that could develop for trading down, so I would like those of you who are, to help me. If the Bills were to trade down from the #12 spot to #16-#25 (somewhere in between) what could we reasonably hope to get in exchange? Also: do the Bills currently have two 2nd round picks, or is ESPN just have something faulty on the draft day page?
  4. Personally I am at the point where (unless AP is available at 12) I hope we simply trade down in the first round and pick up some extra picks. Chris Brown? Nah. Just trade down, get a couple of extra picks, and hopefully Lynch falls to you in the 20's. If not, then you still have 5 picks the first day.
  5. Sure. That could happen. But what if he does decide to sit out the 10 games? He makes over $2 million, and then goes into free agency. What do the Bears get out of it? Nothing. The Bears could decide to trade him AFTER the draft, but then they could only hope for draft picks next year or a player from another team. If the Bears want to get a couple of draft picks out of Briggs NOW, so that those draftees can make an impact THIS upcoming season, then they have to move quickly. I could'nt imagine the Bears franchising him two years in a row, after that fiasco. Pasted below is a post by someone called the "informer" on the Bears forum on the Pro Sports Daily website and he makes a ton of good points: "The problem with the Bears front office is 'if' the Bears continually place the franchise tag on Briggs, they will have to put aside ($7.2 Million -- the next two years) and then potentially put aside (the average of the TOP SALARY in the league) for Briggs. So in essence, after franchising Briggs for two years in a row, the Bears put themselves in a financial situation because they have to put aside that money knowing he COULD possibly show up to play"
  6. I hope beyond all that I am proven 100% wrong and the Bills line rocks our world this upcoming season. I hope I take tons of criticism for telling people not to be too optimistic. I would rather be wrong than right, in this circumstance. But I don't see how one player on the line (Gandy), was considered bad, and the other 4 were considered strong, and our line was still horrid. Could not pass protect and could not run block. I am excited about Dockery! I only wonder why a team like the Redskins who have no problem shoveling out money to good players, wouldn't resign him nor why no other team offered him a contract along with the Bills. But yes, I am excited about Dockery. That frustration behind my post was not only to you, but to a bunch of posters on this board that over the past 4 years have complained about little or bad reporting on the Bills. I apologize that I let that frustration come off as a personal directive towards you. I see that you have only been a member of this board for about a year now. Because of this you probably do not have a full grasp of how Alaska_Darin likes to word his posts over the years. That post was directly towards him.
  7. So its official. Not many players want to play for Buffalo.
  8. To be honest I never truly realized how amazing Tomlinson was until last season. He averages 1500 rushing yards per season, 16.5 rushing Touchdowns, 66.3 receptions, and 483 receiving yards, and 3 receiving touchdowns. The fact that he can average over 1500 yards per season while also averaging in the mid 60's of receiving shows how much he contributes to an offense.
  9. Alright let me rephrase for those who are sensitive about this subject: "If the Bears would like to receive compensation of draft picks in this years draft, they should hurry up and try to strike a deal with a team instead of assuming that a team will sooner or later offer them more, knowing full well that Briggs will be a free agent at the end of next season. Furthermore knowing that Briggs can sit out the first 10 games of the season and still be paid more than $2 million dollars, and then sign on with another team who probably didn't want to trade too much for him last year due to the fact that he is now a free agent." Better?
  10. According to Bills Daily we are about 12 million under the cap. I also would like to hear someone shed some light on the cap-to-cash money we have.
  11. Ill break it down, point by point: 1. Yes, there are more teams in the NFL than the Redskins. Thus why I said in my original post "take what the Redskins/another NFL team" ... 2. Yes, if the Bears want draft picks THIS year, and for those players to make an impact THIS upcoming season, they will have to act soon. 3. Even so, im not sure how I need to "get a grip" for stating my opinion. 4. He could sit out the 10 games like he said he would, and still collect over 2 million in pay for the season.
  12. Is there something in my post that makes it sound like im urgent or need to "get a grip"?
  13. Considering that Briggs has stated that he will hold out the first 10 games of the season, I too think the Bears are being stingy. You can either take what the Redskins/another NFL team are going to give you or get nothing.
  14. Of course you would think so. I was speaking about posters very much like you. You generally think that your opinion over-rules all and is the be all and end all. Its not. Thus why I try not to respond to threads that are complaining about us not getting national attention. Get over it. Once we start winning, consistently, the attention will follow.
  15. I wish we had that average running back Tomlinson.
  16. Of course you do. You're one of those fans they disagree with. I understand your point of view, but I think you are putting far too much stock into it. If Buffalo goes 11-5 next year, we will get national attention. People must remember that we have been bad-mediocore for the past 7 years.
  17. Maybe I should have clarified. I did'nt mean it in the way, that I was questioning whether Marv ever said that. The reason I asked for a link, is because I wanted the full quote so I could put it in my signature, and have the link available if anyone else asked me for it. Yes I am a Bills fan and have been all of my life. I'm just not the type of person who is going to complain about ESPN or other media outlets because we get little coverage or bad coverage. Why should we get coverage? We have been a bad-mediocre team for the past 7 years. Everyone is giddy on this board and I hope the Bills go 16-0 and win the Super Bowl also.
  18. I can always count on this board to provide some sort of disgusting analogy. Thanks for that. I dont know if John Clayton watches gametape. I do know that some sports writers do. That is a fact. I also know that there is a program on NFL Chanel where they break down the game tape.
  19. Im not defending Gandy. But I will say that (as a former lineman), the lineman around you certainly can influence how you play. Whenever I had a bad guard to the left of me, I gave up more sacks/breakdowns due to the oncoming pressure. As far as your last sentence goes. Does this mean you will stop watching the Bills if the line is just as bad this year?
  20. Read what I wrote below. You mean the anchors of ESPN, who simply read off of a teleprompter? Then no. John Clayton. Yes, absolutely. He speaks (and knows well) many general managers across the league.
  21. Bratzke and Vinateiri. But once again you pick a small example and presume it to be true for all situations. I guess Greenbay shouldnt have traded for Brett Favre back in the day. Drew Brees? Hmmph. Surely New Orleans made a big mistake with him. Steve Young to San Fran from Tampa? Pooey!
  22. Fans must realize that they wear colored glasses when it comes to their favorite team. They dont see everything that a person who may not be a fan of the team, sees. I think his point was that we could have paid Gandy WAY less than Dockery, and he probably see's something in Gandy that we did not. We watch on TV and at the stadium. These guys are watching gametape and analyzing things all the time. Thats part of their job. It just drives me crazy how many fans on this board call ESPN, CBS, sports writers ... etc all crazy and wrong, when they (the fans on this board) probably know less about the individual player (or football in general) than the reporters do.
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