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Everything posted by gatorbait

  1. Could you please list them? The IG report is not a criminal investigation and doesn’t have the authority to indict or prosecute.
  2. That is truly horrifying. No one should have to fly on a bone yard run when we spend over 600 billion a year on defense/military. They absolutely need to start being disassembled and shipped.
  3. Giuliani is not helping anyone recently, especially Trump. He should keep his mouth shut. His comments on Hannity last night prove Trump lied and will say anything to help himself. I don’t like the corrupt unlikeable witch, but how many criminal investigations are there against her or her campaign right now? Oh yeah, zero. Can’t say the same for the President. #Deepstate #Swamp #Liberal MSM, FBI, DOJ and whoever else you want to blame
  4. Unfortunately the lower tier people always take the fall. I just don’t see concrete evidence connecting HRC or Obama to an actual crime. As corrupt as they probably were they are going to wipe their hands clean of the mess they left while a few others do a year or two in jail. Of course, that’s if anyone gets prosecuted at all. I don’t care how many sealed indictments are out there, until they actually indict someone it’s very possible that no one on the left gets in trouble at all. Some people in the swamp may think being fired, publicly disgraced or forced to resign is punishment enough.
  5. People questioned whether Obama was born in Kenya or if he was a part of the Muslim brotherhood. I never heard the right cry about any of that scrutiny and misfair treatment. Now people are questioning whether Trump and his organization borrowed hundreds of millions of dollars from Russian oligarchs and banks. If true, does anyone on the right see how that could lead to ethics violations and being compromised by a hostile foreign government? Jesus !@#$ing christ the hypocrisy on both sides is a joke. We should all welcome public scrutiny of any elected official or anyone in power for that matter.
  6. You’re going to be waiting a while. McCabe, Strozk and a few others are screwed but HRC and Obama will never see jail time.
  7. Every one keeps saying Wolf made fun of her looks. The only thing I’ve read or seen is that she said “Sanders burns facts and then uses the ash to create a perfect smoky eye” Seriously people sack up. It’s not like she said that retarded looking wonky eyed huckster can’t tell the truth if her life depended on it. Am am I missing one of her jokes about her appearance?
  8. My gut is telling me Israel would say or do anything to damage and weaken Iran. But if I had to support one country over the other it’s Israel every single time.
  9. If Israel has conclusive evidence this is going to get really interesting. Sanctions, regime change and all out war could soon be on the table for discussion. Is this a reason why North Korea has been acting so nice lately? They got caught with their hand in the cookie jar helping Iran.
  10. Is this the joke everyone keeps saying was a derogatory comment about her appearance? "She burns facts and then she uses that ash to create a perfect smoky eye," Wolf said. "Maybe she’s born with it, maybe it’s lies. It’s probably lies." I didn’t watch but if that is what everyone is so pissed about they need to grow up.
  11. True but what would be the end game for a civil war? Who would be fighting? The left vs the right? Don’t you think the police or military would step in and stop it? Splitting up into two nations doesn’t seem like a realistic scenario. Borders were much more fluid back then and there was a lot more skin in the game for both parties to engage in a civil war. I just don’t think we can compare the two time periods as apples to apples. Also, the billionaires who are in control want us to be distracted and fighting amongst ourselves but they don’t want us to actually come to blows. The more we argue with each other the less time we have to go after them to change the insane amount of financial inequality in this country. He actually can and does quite often. PPP is a wealth of information once you wade out into the cesspool. I definitely hear where you’re coming from. But I truly believe our shared values and ideals and the love for our country and fellow brothers outweigh our political policy differences by 1000 to 1. Can anyone disagree with the fact that’s Trump’s vitriol and rhetoric is causing more division than anything we have seen before?
  12. You’re better than this. What is with all the doom and gloom from you the last couple of months? Are you okay man? PS America isn’t even close to a civil/shooting war. Step away from the ledge brotha.
  13. I love how you are so quick to label other people’s posts garbage and ignore-worthy. Have you read your posts back to yourself? You are a rambling retarded Canadian who should worry about his own country. Caring that much about another country’s politics is pathetic.
  14. Considering all of your negative, rambling and incoherent posts I highly doubt you ever feel total bliss about anything other than Hillary losing.
  15. Republican made commercials about supporting Mueller and the rule of law? Sometimes I just don’t understand wtf goes through your Canadian head.
  16. I’m only quoting this for Boyst.
  17. http://www.businessinsider.com/john-boehner-former-house-speaker-to-join-board-of-marijuana-company-2018-4 He could be doing it for the money but these kind of announcements indicate the cannabis industry is not going anywhere.
  18. Why the !@#$ would they put a picture of a broken bottle on there? Nobody carries around a broken bottle. Don’t they watch movies? You break the bottle at the beginning of a fight and then stab someone in the face. And wtf is up with the Cookie Monster being on there? They really are losing their minds across the pond.
  19. I’m not seeing how most of those are noteworthy. The reason is left blank for most of them, and most of the reasons listed are due to a sex scandal or other scandal. Also some on the list have retired or been promoted to chairman. The list seems pretty normal to me aside from all the sex scandal stuff we went through in the last year.
  20. Psychological projection is a very interesting complex, and no one projects more than our supreme leader Trump.
  21. Time will tell, should be an exciting rest of the year to say the least. There is a good chance the Dems win back the House if something big like the IG report doesn’t swing the momentum back to the right. I enjoy reading your theories even if some of it is just food for thought or entertainment.
  22. Honestly Rhino the lefties are celebrating not squirming. When is the IG report coming out? Do you still think it will lead to indictments? Seems more and more unlikely as more time passes. In my humble opinion people think you are a conspiracy theorist because you actually are one. Your theories on Seth Rich and the Vegas Shooter haven’t lead anywhere. Rich’s family is suing Fox over spreading conspiracies and the Vegas shooter was filmed carrying guns into his room. What do you think your success rate is on your theories?
  23. I agree, would sign it and wish everyone lived with these beliefs.
  24. I agree 100%. I am convinced it is healthier than alcohol. It’s all about moderation though like every vice in life. I know a lot of successful people who use it to wind down after a long day. They believe it to be an anti inflammatory, sleep aid and healthier alternative for pain management. Vaporizers, edibles and oils will greatly reduce the respiratory issues and lung cancer risks going forward but at this time no one can accurately claim it is a miracle drug. There haven’t been enough longitudinal studies.
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