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Everything posted by gatorbait
Nope, but if you claim to be a lockdown man-on-man corner, why get burned by Hogan who isn't even a speedster? Is that the only time he has been burned? How many times has Gilmore made a play at the end of the game to help us win like othe corners have, including Sherm, Talib, or Patrick Peterson. Even Malcom Butler is more clutch than Gilmore imo and a better tackler. Safety help is help, nothing more nothing less.
That is absolutely possible. Supposedly, he fell for a phishing email, something every 10 year old out there knows not to do. They then obtained his password from that. I'm not giving him or anyone on the Clinton team a pass, they are as corrupt and untrustworthy as they come. I will put my education up against yours any day of the week. I'm green when it comes to politics, and have already had my ass handed to me in a few debates. Just not by you though. I'm not going anywhere, I love how you don't have to be politically correct on PPP, like everywhere else these days. If you end up being wrong on this subject, you can hold my pocket while I walk around the yard.
If Podesta was a government official and has business ties like that to Russia, he would have to resign because it is a conflict of interest. No one is screaming lock them up, we just don't want more corruption in Washington when his campaign motto was drain the swamp. If I recall correctly it was the right side during the election saying lock her up. I hope the Clintons, Podesta and Donna Brazile don't come crawling out from the under the rock they have been hiding under lately. America is sick of them.
Whatever you say mental midget. I haven't rushed to any judgement. Unlike you who already has his mind made up about everything. The definition of ignorance is to ignore facts and continue believing your own beliefs. If more of trumps people have to resign, or he gets impeached, your B word ass should be banned from PPP
Gilmore getting burned by Hogan and then throwing his hands up in the air and looking around like it wasn't his fault is a good example of why he is not elite. Top 10 maybe. He also can't tackle and looks like his shoulder might separate every time he tries. I would love to see Tolbert catch a pass in the flat and have Gilmore try to tackle him. An advantage of zone defense is it gives the DBs a chance to look in the backfield and make plays by reading the QB. Still have to play man here and there to confuse the offense, but teams like Seattle and Carolina have had a lot of success playing Cover 3 and Cover 2.
A canary who scares the hawks is what high ranking members of the military have called her in the past. I hated both of the candidates, two of the worst in history.
You said so what and made excuses. The other poster actually had good rebuttals to my points, but not you. You seem like the average Trumplethinskin supporter, angry and uninformed.
https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-fix/wp/2016/08/19/paul-manaforts-complicated-ties-to-ukraine-explained/?utm_term=.8f615fcf543e is a good place to start. Manafort's daughter also had her texts going back 2-3 years hacked. She said they have blood on their hands. http://www.businessinsider.com/paul-manafort-daughter-text-messages-ukraine-2017-3 The rumors of the pee tape and Flynn/Manafort being blackmailed come from sources I trust. There is no proof for the public just yet. Stop making excuses for all of this shady **** and let's see how it plays out. It doesn't matter if Sessions was on the Senate Foreign Relations Committe. He wasn't honest to Congress and had to recuse himself from the investigation. Stone being investigated for having contact with Guccifer 2.0 doesn't look good. Here is a little more about JD Gordon and the GOP platform http://www.businessinsider.com/jd-gordon-trump-adviser-ukraine-rnc-2017-3 Russian hackers leaked stuff about the DNC to wikileaks. Everyone knows this. It had effects on our democratic process one way or another. That is meddling. They want their citizens to think democracy doesn't work in the west. You don't ever explain your BS ideas and points. You never answer questions that are asked to you. You are a republican talking head.
Give me one good reason why Kushner met with the Russian banker. Business dealings would be a conflict of interest so you are going to have to find a better one. I'm not saying it is nefarious, just that it seems sketchy when all this other Russian stuff is being looked at. Did I say anything was illegal? Nope. Why did Flynn lie to numerous people and not just Pence? If politicians lie all the time why did he have to resign? No other NSA Director has had to resign in my lifetime, so it clearly doesn't look good. Why did Sessions lie and have to recuse himself from the investigation? Manafort was not kicked off of the campaign for the reason you stated, but you won't learn the truth on breitbart. You replying with "so what" is laughable. FBI investigations aren't something that I just brush off. Your excuses for all of those things don't make them untrue or any less serious.
Jesus Tom where the hell did I say there is more than smoke? Weren't you just saying how reading comprehension is important? I said there is more than a puff of smoke, there is a full on cloud. If you want to disagree or debate that fine, but get off your high horse and stop putting words in my mouth.
Alrighty then. I am not claiming anything besides there is a lot of smoke. You're basically insinuating that people who say there is smoke, think there must be something there. I love how no one is arguing or disagreeing with the bullet points I made. That is the visual smoke, for everyone to see. FBI investigations and people resigning aren't normal to a young person like me, maybe they are to old farts like you.
At a campaign rally he invited Russia to hack her emails, more specifically the 30,000 that went missing. They ended up with people from the DNC, not HRC's. Then Guccifer 2.0 leaked them to Wikileaks. That is not my opinion, that's what 17 intelligence agencies have said. By the way I love how you still won't debate any of the bullet points I made. I agree, it is ridiculous the way the left is blowing it out of proportion 24/7. I would much rather talk about improving healthcare or the infrastructure, or how we could possibly be enjoying lower taxes and a better economy in the near future.The sooner we can get this behind us and move on, the better for all Americans. And I am an idiot for not fully understanding that post by Tom. Real men admit when they're wrong and I was wrong. Do you hear that Trump?
Fair enough, and I apologize for getting testy. It's been a long day. Please tell me though how many political officials have had to resign for lying about ties to a major foreign power? How many times has a presidential candidate asked another foreign power to hack another candidate? Then it happens. A little suspicious, no? You guys are probably a lot older and wiser than me, I admit that. But I don't think it is wise to brush this whole thing off without waiting for the results of the investigation. Thanks you partisan hack for highlighting the end of my post, where I said I think and was clearly joking about a pee pee tape. Do you care to argue any of the bullet points? Like I asked you to do? The bullet points slim peeper. Those are facts, and that's what we know so far.
Please tell me what I said is opinion and not fact. The bullet points I listed have happened, whether you like them or not.
Now I'm officially part of the board thanks Tom. I hope you guys come back here and eat a big piece a crow if more of Trump's people have to resign for lying about shady things with Russia. What is my argument? You might be the idiot for not realizing that I wasn't claiming anything, just listing facts. I'll be the first to say this investigation was bull **** if it concludes nothing. There's a lot of smoke, and 100 people at the FBI are investigating it. The truth hurts sometimes.
For !@#$s sake guys I have read it five times. Maybe that post isn't as illuminating as you might think. You tell me what is the point of that post Magox. What is so clear that I am missing? And how the !@#$ does it relate to my post where I listed facts and said there's smoke. If you think that's enough smoke on the Clintons behalf, to totally ignore all the **** I said then whatever. I cant explain anything or change opinions that are already set.
Trump is being framed by the Russians at the behest of the Clintons? I think that is ridiculous. I'm not claiming anything, like some of you who think you have all the answers or are fortune tellers. Someone please debate some of the facts I listed in my post above. Pointing to the Clintons and Russia framing Trump doesn't help anyone's cause imo.
Tom you are a legend around these parts, and I respect your opinion. I don't agree however that it's somewhat obvious that the Clintons used Russia to frame Trump. Do you really think that's what the FBI is investigating right now? I agree that there could just be a lot of smoke and no fire, it's happened before with the FBI. I'm not rushing to any judgments or speculating, I'm listing facts as facts.
You tell me what your point was, because I clearly didn't get it. You brushed off my post as if it was CNN drivel. Did you even read it? I listed facts, and said there's a lot of smoke. I'm an independent with no political or party motivation at all, so spare me the lecture about liberal agendas or the corrupt Clintons.
Oh I'm sorry, I didn't think Hillary Clinton was our president. Those are meetings and speeches, not political figures having to resign for lying. Clinton is corrupt just like most politicians, a big reason why she didn't win. Making speculations before the investigation is over, and pointing to stuff Hillary and the Clintons did is pathetic. I thought everyone was just saying on here the other day, how if Clinton would've won she would've started a preemptive war with Russia. Now people are trying to claim she was in bed with the Russians too? !@#$ing sad in my opnion. I'm waiting until the investigation is over to make my judgment, just like everyone else should.
Recently, Jared Kushner admitted to meeting with a Russian banker one month after the election. This guy runs Putin's major bank, and graduated from the academy of the FSB (KGB). The White House is claiming he was just doing his job as one of Trump's head advisers. Really? It's his job to meet with Russian bankers? There is more than just a puff of smoke at this point, there's a full on cloud. What we know so far: -Manafort had to resign from the campaign because of shady ties to Russian backed Ukrainians and possible blackmail attempts from Russia. -Flynn had to resign as NSA because of lying about meetings with Russia. -Jeff sessions recused himself from the Russian investigation after misleading Congress about meetings with the Russian embassador. -Roger stone is under investigation, and had some contact with Guccifer 2.0. -Carter Page seems more than shady imo and had to resign from the campaign. -JD Gordon may have been instrumental in changing the GOP platform in relation to Crimea, also had contacts with Russians. -Russian hackers meddled in our election, and want to destroy western democracies. -Trump has attacked or badmouthed pretty much everyone, but has never said one bad word about Russia and Putin -The FBI has been doing a criminal investigation since July and I don't even think we know everything yet. I'm not saying there's collusion, we don't know yet. I think Putin offered millions or billions of dollars to lift the sanctions, and might have something to blackmail Trump's team with. Pee pee tape maybe? Trump loves everything golden, maybe he likes his showers golden too.
You are welcome here no matter what a small percentage of scared, racists think. This is supposed to be the land of the free and the home of the brave. A lot of "patriots" forget that last part.
Major tax reform hasn't been accomplished since the 1980's. You could look at that in two ways: it is incredibly hard to overhaul the tax code, or we are due for reform. I could see him having some success playing around with tax rates, most likely for the wealthy. However, a large tax reform is not going to get done by the Repubs imo. Trump is going to find that nothing about being the president is easy.
What a game and finish!!!!! Go gators!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!