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Everything posted by gatorbait

  1. FBI investigations, people resigning, Putin having people whacked, Flynn seeking immunity and this is just the beginning. I'm enjoying this, it's like reading a crime novel. People were screaming lock her up over emails and a private server, but refuse to think there might be something here. Now that is funny. Mike Flynn also publicly said people who get immunity are usually guilty of a crime. Nothing to see here!
  2. That meme is played out you dusty old fart, it's not even funny
  3. My opinion is that there's a lot of smoke and this administration is a **** show. Mattis and McMasters are the only two capable people on his whole team. I'm looking forward to this investigation and the results. I am a Bernie guy and think America is getting embarrassed by Trump and his team. Think what you want.
  4. Nvm this is just part of the distraction to take away our rights. Right? I have my tinfoil hat on, I'm ready to be like rhino!
  5. This administration is a hot mess. People who seek immunity are usually trying to avoid prosecution. Trump sure knows how to pick em!
  6. It's getting pretty smokey in here
  7. I had it once and it was actually pretty good. Would never try cooking it at home though, I wouldn't even know where to start. I wasn't expecting a food thread haha
  8. That is why I posted what I did. If that is the thing that worries him the most, go ahead and end the investigation immediately.
  9. Sign me up, DC Tom can vouch for me that I earned one on PPP.
  10. If true, this is the thing that should send chills down every American's spine. Not Russian fake news bots.
  11. I'm "a" idiot! The OP really has a way with words, Shakespeare would be jealous.
  12. I'm civil at work, with family, and on the stadium wall. Mostly I try to have convos on here but debates are more fun. No formal pattycaking here on PPP is why I started lurking in the first place. Even when I lose I still enjoy it, maybe I'm a sucker for punishment.
  13. Haha damnit Rhino is anything in politics cut and dry? My lawyers could have a field day with all this circumstantial ****.
  14. I'm not a fan of the circumstantial stuff. I'm talking about direct business ties with an acting politician or president to a foreign power. Is that considered a conflict of interest? Like how Trump was supposed to cut ties with all of his businesses because it's considered a conflict of interest if he remains involved.
  15. I admit when I'm wrong, and I was wrong. I am starting to get addicted to this politics stuff, so get used to me. I will learn the nuances over time. There is humor on PPP? News to me. Politics can bring out the worst in people from my experience.
  16. I agree with all of this, especially in regards to his immediate family. You guys might have to school me again here though. Private sector business is all right, but don't they draw the line with foreign business ties and governments? I could be wrong again, surprise surprise, but business ties to a foreign power exclude you from being a presidential candidate because of conflict of interest, right?
  17. Pointing to them to say this is normal politics and how things go, doesn't sit well with me. Politicians aren't supposed to have any business ties to other countries, it is a conflict of interest. People were claiming Clinton is corrupt and rightfully so. I'm not claiming anything nefarious, just that there is smoke and an FBI investigation. We will see in the end what happens, probably nothing, like the FBI investigations about Clinton's emails.
  18. Do you go outside with your tinfoil hat on? Or is that just when you're inside? You old farts better knock down this young buck when I am wrong, that's what the old and wise are supposed to do. It's going to take a lot more for me to get butt hurt.
  19. I didn't know that slimy Podesta was collecting 140 grand a year as a senior advisor for the state department in 2016. I was wrong. See how easy that is crusaders? That's not the first or last time I'll be wrong on this board. If I start a campaign and hire staffers, I still don't consider them government officials.
  20. That link you provided doesn't even back up your argument. Podesta was a senior advisor for the state department in 2016, do you think maybe that's where his tax funded salary came from? What argument do you have that campaign staff don't get paid mostly from tax dollars? Anyone who is corrupt should be forced out or resign. I don't like Podesta or the Clintons. You guys pointing to Clinton and her team to justify Trump's team, makes you look foolish and guilty.
  21. Those are government positions. That wasn't the argument. Campaigns don't get funded from mostly tax dollars, that's a fact. Campaign staff don't all get paid from tax money, period. A small percentage may come from our pockets but that isn't the argument. While we're at it, weren't all of you guys crying how corrupt Clinton and her team was. Using Clinton and Podesta as benchmarks and measuring sticks isn't smart at all. Deflection is a sign of guilt.
  22. http://politics.stackexchange.com/questions/2888/how-are-political-staff-both-congressional-and-campaign-paid-in-the-us Read that Rhino to educate yourself. If you're already a government official and you're up for reelection, some tax money can go to the campaign. The majority of presidential campaign funding comes from donations and super pacs. Maybe stick to UFOs. And I don't even know **** about politics man, come on. A government official and a campaign official aren't the same thing. Campaign officials run campaigns, not the government or country.
  23. I'm not a liberal, and nobody becomes somebody's B word by choice. I am here to debate, learn a thing or two, and rustle some feathers in the process. Speaking of rustling some feathers...The old school conservative way of thinking doesn't register with many millenials or young people. Does that mean you are a dying breed? Rhino, government officials who get paid with our tax money, and campaign officials are not the same thing. Try again.
  24. Good post and you got me. Relying on the bum safeties we had last year to cover over the top was probably bad coaching and play calling. I said Gilmore is maybe in the top 10, which would make him great. I just don't think the guy is elite or worth 14 mil a year. His flaws will be exposed in NE even more imo.
  25. I think he has tons of potential. I love how our whole D Line might be a better fit in the 4-3. We wreaked havoc on teams a few years ago when we were in the wide 9 under Schwartz.
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