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Posts posted by gatorbait


    You get Malmo Sweden and Rotherham England to OWN since the money started to run out in your "workers" paradise, plus the 100 million dead, but that isn't enough for you.


    The good news for the rest of us is the useful idiots are the first ones killed when you get your way.


    European socialism = Katyn massacre

    This post is hard to read and a mess. The Katyn massacre happened in 1940. It is almost 80 years later and that is your comparison argument?


    Money is tight for governments? Wow. I just assumed every country had surpluses. Our national debt is nothing compared to them, right? People act like we automatically have to become tyrannical communistic animals if we start moving towards a more socialist agenda. It's sad.


    Sorry Karl, Socialists replaced God with the State.

    You'll have trouble getting that machine gun or the bulldozer "job" you've got planned if you keep talking crazy.


    Talk to the first person you can find who had their family shot in the street in front of them or found abandoned living babies, or ate human flesh or knew people that starved to death ASAP.

    Have any outlier stories about people from the ten current socialist countries I mentioned in Europe? Nazi Germany, Vietnam and Venezuela. Great measuring sticks guys, keep it up.

    because those are the exceptions amirite :rolleyes:

    There are numerous current socialist countries right now as we speak. What do you have to say about them?


    If you want to blame those atrocities on socialism and not the dictators who were ruling at the time, then I have no use having a conversation with you. You can't be that ignorant, can you? Nazis and millions dead all because of socialism! What a joke. I pointed to numerous current examples, and you point to Venezuela and dictators. Nice.

    For the love of god, categorizing all socialists as the same because of some tyrannical dictators in the past is ridiculous.
  4. That explains the governorships, state houses, congress and presidency controlled by republicans. I'm sure though, you being the self proclaimed highly educated person that you are, can explain that.

    Young people reaper, talk to many of them? They don't see the world like old school conservatives. They also don't vote as frequently as older people. Give it time. I called single payer happening in the next 10 to 20 years, which it will. And I am also calling conservatism becoming less and less mainstream over the next 10 to 20 years, which it will.
  5. Davis is a better overall receiver imo. He has the all time record for receiving yards in FBS, can run any route, has good size/speed, can go up and get it and make people miss. Him over Williams all day long.


    I have a sneaky feeling McDermott wants a Luke Keuchly type of middle linebacker and may try to get him in this draft with our first round pick. Would be even better if he could move back and do that. We could probably get a starting WR and DB in the second and third rounds this year because it's so deep at those spots.


    Socialists even call it "progress" and "progressivism" towards bulldozers and death squads but you're too stupid to crack a history book.

    Talk to anybody that's ever been forced to escape a "socialist" utopia.

    Death squads? The last time I traveled to Europe I didn't see any of those. Our taxes should cover everything like quality education, infrastructure and healthcare. Socialism means everyone is supposedly equal, even though the rich and shameless will always be just that. Individuality is discouraged, which I don't like. And taxes are higher. Bulldozers and death squads? You sound like Alex Jones.
  7. I have been an active member of PPP since 2008 and with my other username included I have about 15000 posts (not that it means jackshit). Meathead is a newcomer here at PPP and much like you endeavors to tell other members of the community how they should post. I say phuck him, you, and the Shetland Pony you both rode in on.

    Aw, you are cute. Liberalism and progressivism is becoming more popular, and conservatism outside of being a moderate is becoming less popular. A dying breed? Young people hope so.
  8. Only socialists are stupid or evil enough to make government so big it can give you everything and take everything.

    Did Bernie Sanders sleep with your old lady or something? Modern Socialism is not like you are describing but that's okay. We are already somewhat socialist with all the social programs we have. I want to take away your social security when you turn 65 and see how you are feeling about government then. The good old days of limited government and no social programs are over, adapt or become extinct.

  9. If you want to blame those atrocities on socialism and not the dictators who were ruling at the time, then I have no use having a conversation with you. You can't be that ignorant, can you? Nazis and millions dead all because of socialism! What a joke. I pointed to numerous current examples, and you point to Venezuela and dictators. Nice.

  10. Social security, Medicare, Medicaid, Pell Grants, universal healthcare, school lunch programs, Welfare, and Foster Care are all social programs (socialism). There are hundreds of other programs too. Some are redundant, and could have the fat trimmed, especially in regards to disability, welfare, section 8 and food stamps. These programs get taken advantage of, but offer tremendous benefit to people who need it.


    Venezuela is a tiny, war ravaged and corrupt nation. Is that the best example of a socialist country? Look to Norway, Sweden, Canada, Denmark, Netherlands, Finland, New Zealand and Belgium for better examples. No government is perfect and taxes are usually higher. I'm just sick of the rich and elite being the only ones who are truly prospering in Capitalistic countries like America.

  11. Meathead has been a member since 2007 and reaper since 2008, freaking geniuses I tell ya.


    In regards to this topic, I don't think they are going to grant him immunity. He would have to sing like a canary and offer stuff they don't already know. Could be he doesn't want to be the fall man, and is just trying to protect his own rear end. Either way, innocent or not, it looks bad.

  12. Nice. You give lip service to waiting until the end of the investigation but basically your posts all bring me to the conclusion that you have made up your mind.

    Great, thanks for your opinion which is so highly coveted around here. For the tenth time. I have said there is smoke, that is all. I haven't claimed collusion or anything else. I don't like trump, and there is a lot of smoke. Want to debate that?
  13. "Another novel idea to consider is I said the exact same thing about waiting for the investigation to conclude earlier in this thread", or in other words, drip, drip, drip.

    Do you have a point yet? Maybe go take another nap, you are still grouchy.


    Me saying drip drip drip, and there's some smoke, have nothing to do with me wanting to wait until the end of the investigation to make a final judgment. But you knew that too. Or maybe I'm giving you too much credit.

  14. Only Republicans? Dems were doing the same. It's what a lot of sheeples do on Facebook. They read what Zuckerberg feeds to them in thier "feed". That's why Dems were so freaked out after the election. For over a year they've been reading Hillary is gonna win and Trump is a racist, sexist, homophobic, anti LGBTQ mysogynist. Oh wait, I forgot anti_Semite. All thier friends thought so too and they shared articles and memes. Then come to find it was a lot of fake news.


    Fake news is just what we have to live with now that we have the 1st ammendment and everyone has a megaphone. Until, as Barbarian suggests, big brother will take care of us and only authorize "real news".


    I agree with you there is smoke. Is it real smoke or fake smoke? There was also a lot of smoke in regards to Iraq's WMDs. As Buffalo pointed out, it's the same people telling us this stuff. Wolfman Blitzer, Brian Williams, Anderson Cooper to name a few.


    Here's a novel idea. How about we just wait until the FBI investigation is done and see what they come up with?

    Of course Dems read it too. Another novel idea to consider is I said the exact same thing about waiting for the investigation to conclude earlier in this thread.
  15. Some right wingers around here are super thin skinned. We left leaning progressive types (or whatever) take a lot more and laugh it off, it seems to me. On this board anyway

    It does seem like the non-conservatives catch way more flak around here than the right. Obama was ridiculed and obstructed at every turn for eight years, and some of it rightfully so. It just seems weird to me the right doesn't expect the same treatment now with Trump.


    I have nothing against you as a person, nor do I have any gripe against meathead or even gatorman/tiberius. We are all presumably Bills fans, or we wouldn't be here.


    Nobody here expects you to march in lock step with anyone else. You do have comparative freedom on this specific board, but there is a sort of common sense etiquette which is good to follow. Most people get the feel for it over time.


    Most of the people that flame out around here are the ones who make declarative statements and then do a poor job of backing them up. You'll get roasted alive for things like that.


    With regard to myself, I've been trying to make the point to you that despite some potentially valid concerns regarding Trump and his team, much of what you were offering up was at this point, conjecture (re:drip, drip, drip/smoke/etc). Don't make the mistake of believing that those that lean right around here are Trump supporters - I can only think of one or two people who openly supported Trump, and one of them is gone. Most of us "support" him as the lesser of two evils, and it pretty much stops there.

    Fair enough, and I have taken this advice to heart. I am being serious about that.


    Me saying drip drip drip and there is smoke is not conjecture in my mind, but I definitely get your point.

  17. Your 2nd sentence is basically what I and others have been trying to impress upon you. Glad to see you agree.

    Go back and read the thread, I've said it multiple times. People on both sides who act like they already know the conclusion of the investigation are equally guilty.

    When did I call you a name?

    Where is the fun in that meathead? I thought there were no rules on PPP and people with hurt feelings can suck it up?


    In all seriousness though I will tone it down, I apologize. My friends and I are a lot worse to each other, but that is no excuse.


    It seems to me if you are not a conservative around here, you are either an idiot, a libtard or some other derogatory term. My beef is with three people. Grinreaper has had it out for me since day one because of having gator in my name. I'm not a fan of D.C. Tom, even though I have already told him I respect him as the legend he is around here. And that leaves you Azalin, maybe you haven't done it personally but don't act like we have been buddy buddy either.


    Once again, this noob is sorry and I will pump the brakes.

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