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Everything posted by gatorbait

  1. You are the only one I know on this site to go out on a limb this devotedly for Trump. I applaud your loyalty. I'm rationalizing the fact that he changed his stance on issues. Your theory is he is a mastermind who is playing all of this like a well thought-out chess game. That is ridiculous. This job is more than he expected and he is learning day-by-day how to do it better. Just like healthcare, who knew being president could be so complicated. NATO hasn't done anything differently, they still have another couple of years to hit the mark of 2% of their GDP for defense. Trump met with the Secretary General for an hour and was suddenly changing his tune about how NATO isn't obsolete anymore. Call that whatever you want. NATO has been assisting in the fight against terror since 9/11 but I wouldn't expect you to acknowledge that. They could carry more weight and do a lot more but that is a whole other topic. You are unhinged man, just like Trumplethinskin on a bad day. I'm an independent, not a democrat. I think he is getting better at being president, so eat a bag of dicks with your crazy nonsense.
  2. Holy hell, looks like they let some one out of the asylum again. My point was he is flip flopping on a lot of issues. Intervening in the Middle East, China, Yellen and the fed, the export/import bank, NATO. And that is just in the last week. I think he's becoming more reasonable and informed. He is reaching out to more people than just the crazy populist Anne Coulters of the world. It's smart, but you give him way too much credit. He was either uniformed before, or is just trying to improve his approval rating by any means possible.
  3. Trump is evolving. When the Anne Coulters of the world are getting more and more pissed I think he is moving in the right direction. He is flip-flopping on a lot of issues but it might not be a bad thing. In my lifetime, all presidents promised the world and then when they are elected the reality of the job sets in and they can't deliver on everything. Bannon becoming more and more diminished. Saying NATO is no longer obsolete. Praising China's president and trying to work with him instead of criticizing or threatening them. Saying our military is the best in the world instead of trashing them. Acknowledging the US is a world leader and must act like one, or some other country will fill the role. The world has to be thinking that Mattis, Trump and Haley mean business. Even if there is no long term plan at this point for the Middle East or North Korea, America has military power and is not afraid to use it.
  4. Trump said Obama had his phones wire tapped. He never said British and European intelligence agencies picked up a few of his campaign associates while spying on the Russians and passed them on to the US. My money is on Manafort and Page being the guilty ones, even if it is minor guilt that won't result in charges or anything substantial.
  5. I don't know squat about politics, have already said that numerous times before. I'm a quick learner though. Like how I learned nobody gives a schit what you say around here, especially when it comes to your "prowess" or meat.
  6. When it comes to politics and healthcare mine obviously stinks more than most.
  7. About farming or banging all the made up girls you talk about? Opinions are like azzholes.
  8. Tom's last girlfriend called him a pedophile. That's a pretty big word for a 12-year-old. What's the difference between Tom and a bucket of schit? The bucket.
  9. You realize every piece of bread from a loaf has crust on it right? Heels would've been a nice touch with UNC winning last night. Clearly, I am not the funny guy. That is Boyst. But let me try again since you are the judge on everything around here. Those aren't acne scars on Tom's face, those are marks from the coathanger. Or The best part of Tom ran down his momma's ass and ended up being a brown stain on the mattress.
  10. Let's not. I only like trading up to grab a franchise QB. Not sold on any of the QBs this year.
  11. Cue 4merper4mer. I want an update about this update.
  12. Lmao bless your heart. I can't stop laughing at this post, well done sir. But if I wanted a joke, I would have followed you into the bathroom and watched you take a leak. Your dating life tells me you are like the outer pieces of bread. Everybody touches you, but nobody wants you.
  13. Peppers is just about the only guy I would hate at 10. He's better at returns and on offense than on defense imo. I would even be cool with OL, TE or DL over him. WR or DB is my guess, and the biggest need. A trade back would be ideal this year with all of the talent in the second and third rounds.
  14. Some of you guys are pathetic. And you have the nerve to call millennials soft? I have advocated for a few things that were opinion and I thought could help, get a **** storm for it and personal attacks, learn a thing or two and move on. If you call enough people idiots in real life you get punched in the !@#$ing face. Forgive me for not reading through every thread on here, especially the ones with hundreds of pages.
  15. You come across as a sour old man, looking to call people idiots any chance he gets. I'm fine with myself on the stadium wall and in real life, on here it's no holds barred and I lose more than I win. Guess what? I sleep great at night.
  16. Give me 20 or 30 years to get your experience. Then I will be lecturing young whipper snappers like you do when they are young, dumb and ignorant like me. The one I already commended him on for being a great post? If I were you I would probably go with his answers too.
  17. Thanks sweetie for another lecture. When someone like Tasker actually provides real solutions instead of just criticizing people for expressing their opinion, I tend to shut up and listen. Obstructing is easy, legislating is hard.
  18. Now this is a solid post with some great ideas. I love it. These are the kind of posts where I learn stuff. Thank you for responding, most people don't answer. Screw single payer, anyone advocating for that is a moron haha 😂
  19. Yes. Some hospitals close every day though. Single payer is not perfect, and would have lots of negative just like everything. Maybe it isn't even the best solution.The system currently isn't working. Reaper what would you suggest we do for healthcare to make it better?
  20. The convo evolved to be about healthcare, !@#$ing geniuses around here I swear. Guess what it's a free country, you need to get used to young people thinking like me. When I become old and jaded, maybe I'll be more conservative.
  21. A poster made a joke today about a BMW. I assumed you were referring to that. Big whoop. I'm starting to think all of you guys need to get off the Internet and go outside more. You're wrong. It's refreshing knowing there was someone like me and I wasn't the only whipping post around here.
  22. For !@#$s sake do some reading, I advocate for single payer (government run) healthcare. That is all. Keep the government out of the bedroom and off my guns. It's pathetic how you call people socialists for wanting improvements to a system that the government already has their hands in.
  23. Haha okay. Not regulated enough if you ask me. There aren't enough control mechanisms to keep prices down. People shouldn't be making huge profits off of healthcare, get used to more and more people thinking that way. Reaper, everyone here, including me knows it won't be in a timely manner. Numerous people, including me, have said waiting times will go up for average citizens. If hospitals don't keep their quality scores up, they get less reimbursement.
  24. I offer opinions and ideas, things that might or could potentially help. Most of them get shot down, and I lick my wounds and move on. Trust me, I don't assume or imply you clowns know anything.The status quo of rising insurance premiums and millions uninsured is not working. Could you please provide your ideas to make our healthcare system better? Seriously, what do you think is a better plan? If more people are using care, why would supplies for medicine and equipment go down? Wouldn't they try to sell more to make up for lesser profits. These companies can deal with slightly lesser profits, in fact they won't have a choice.
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