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Everything posted by gatorbait

  1. I have learned a lot from Tom, Tasker, you and others. This board is addicting and is a wealth of knowledge with all the different info and viewpoints. I don't want to play nice with two people though, and if I am the most hated village idiot because of it then so be it. I can't go back and read the decade worth of material even though it would be good for me.
  2. Lmao 😂 this post is pathetic. I have a feeling I am getting to you way more than you are getting to me.
  3. These are words of wisom and I agree 100%. How is Grand Hotel Abyss? I am reading The Boys in the Boat right now and it's pretty darn good. Sycamore Row by Grisham though was kind of boring and I wouldn't recommend it.
  4. I'm happy to help adding to your ridiculously sad post count.
  5. For !@#$s sake I am not a liberal. It seems to me you guys on the right have a hard time accepting liberal viewpoints. Find me more than one post where someone got called a fascist or a Nazi. Good lord you're giving the reaper a good run for his money on who is the densest and most ignorant around here. I'm not giving up my belt as the stupidest poster, so you can't have that title. And even I am smart enough to realize the liberals catch way more heat around here, maybe it's justified maybe it's not but come on.
  6. I try not to let my stupidity hi-jack anything here on purpose. That is the definition, and people here are very intolerant of other's opinions. Most people think bigots are simply just racists but it is much broader than that.
  7. It is a heavy republican district, and I am almost positive trump only won by 1% there over Hillary. He barely won, and it is obvious why he is nervous and tweeting about it. Romney beat Obama there by 23% and Tom Price won by 23%. Trump squeaked by. Come on man! If you are getting schooled by me what does that make you?
  8. Sell it all to the highest bidder, in parcels or all at once depending on the zone. Invest it all in low cost index funds, and reinvest the dividends for 20 years while I keep working. Cash out when I'm 50 and buy a small private island in the keys or the Caribbean.
  9. Are you really that butt hurt? I'm not even 30 yet, and politics is becoming more and more important to me. I am in the infancy stage and prove it almost every time I express my opinion. You can do better, you take almost as much heat as me around here which is pretty sad considering you act like a know it all. I'm going to take a walk on the beach with my girl after work. Cook her dinner and then get some TLC. Want me to PM you some pics?
  10. Trump only won by 1% there. It makes sense he is a little nervous about it. The 2018 elections will be interesting and telling.
  11. I am not worried at all, it is what it is. I can take getting "checked" and educated. I have bigger concerns in life than two or three posters who are more knowledgeable than me about most things on PPP. You aren't pulling my strings at all btw, but I have something else you can pull on. Haha this post is a perfect example of your quality around here. Bigotry is rampant on PPP and I don't care, but don't get mad when I call it like I see it. You ladies are the ones with thin skin. I can take a lot. You are awfully quick to go after someone while giving no real insight yourself. Double that and add another inch.
  12. That was to you, and your posts are dog schit. I tolerate a lot around here. Bigots
  13. Definition of bigot: a person who is intolerant of those holding different opinions. I'm not a liberal and bigot doesn't have to mean racist, nationalist or republican etc
  14. Davis. Trading back a few spots and still taking him would be ideal. Zay Jones in the 2nd would work for me too though.
  15. Express your opinion all you want, treat me any way you want because I could not care less. Your posts are nothing but dog schit and I haven't learned a thing from them. Tom otoh is an educational mofo even when he is treating people like a douche. Haha come on Sally is that the best you can do? I probably bench and squat twice your weight. With a view like this out my back door, you are going to have to try harder than that to get to me.
  16. Aw, did I hit a nerve? I didn't know what to expect at first.Now that I have been here for a few months, I don't expect much at all.
  17. DC Tom is definitely the de facto leader of this bigoted garbage-dump known as PPP. And he may be just as big of a loser as dimweeper in real life, but at least we can all learn a thing or two from him every now and then.
  18. 95% of your posts are dog schit. Maybe I'm being too generous. You aren't informative or enlightening. Mostly just your schitty opinion on things or you poking fun at other posters. Get a life. Like Trump says, sad.
  19. Look at your last three posts in the Russia thread. Zero value added. Socializing in the real world is okay too you know.
  20. I don't want to be a full-time poster and 24/7 lurker on a message board, that is sad. I can post once a week and still match the value that you add around here. Which is next to nothing.
  21. I'm not sure if something about this guy's report was already posted. He's from MIT and was in the DOD. It's a good read and actual evidence is offered up, compared to the US who says they have evidence but then never releases it. https://www.yahoo.com/news/mit-expert-claims-latest-chemical-100819428.html
  22. Can you read? I'm not on the left. You are the one who sounds emotional and is whining. I said they made that new command to make trump and his supporters happy, and it seems like it worked on you. I bet you didn't even read the good link Alf posted. It said people have been complaining about NATO not doing or spending enough, going back to the 70s.
  23. Everyone who reads the news knows a 2% agreement was made in 2006. They are probably going to wait until the deadline to meet the full quota. Yawn. I already answered your second question. Goodnight sweetheart, I can't wait to see you tomorrow.
  24. I doubt anyone else around here is going to say how rational and hyper-informed Trump is, like you are doing tonight in your posts. You clearly like the Donald, cool. No one cares. Pretty much everyone is going to wait another 1-4 years to really judge him and his presidency anyways so settle down. The 2% agreement made in 2006 was to be upheld by 2020 or 2024 or something. I'm too tipsy and tired to look it up, plus you aren't worth it. Oh wow, they made a new anti-terror command to make Trump and his supporters happy. Big deal. Your posts tonight are unhinged and you can still eat a bag of dicks with your crazy nonsense.
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