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Everything posted by gatorbait

  1. Like always, Trump puts on a great show but is inaccurate. CNN had its best first quarter in 14 years. Trump is great for ratings and views and not just to the left. Fox News put up the highest-rated quarter ever in cable news history in total day viewership. http://variety.com/2017/tv/news/cable-news-ratings-cnn-fox-news-msnbc-q2-1202479416/ I found the video pretty funny though to be honest.
  2. I don't read the comments section on other sites or have many liberals in my circle of friends but let me explain in regards to this particular forum. Tiberius and others post articles or criticize Trump which is their right. Then, others on the right start whining about it constantly or start crying about how Hillary did this or Obama did that. Seriously, show me a post where someone here on the left complained or cried about Trump. Calling it like they see it is not complaining. I will ask you this question as well. Are liberals soft little snow flakes or are they violent protestors?
  3. Do you not understand this whole post of yours is nothing but your opinion and feelings? Jesus Christ you are a special breed of tard.
  4. You're** an idiot. Answer this for me just for fun. Are liberals soft little snowflakes, or are they violent protestors? It seems like conservatives are doing all the complaining these days, which would make you the snowflake. I don't complain about Trump, I go about my business. A lot of liberals and reporters call it like they see it, and don't let people like you stop them. Call it whatever you want.
  5. Spelling, punctuation, grammar and capitalization, use them. Your posts are already hard enough to read.
  6. I'm not sure it's going anywhere either. From day one I said Flynn, Manafort and Carter Page are the ones who will likely be the fall guys or face some sort of charges. The conclusion won't be until early 2018 or later so don't start popping bottles to celebrate just yet. And please tell, how is Trump going to get his revenge? By locking her up? Maybe tweeting some juvenile and unhinged nonsense about it? Increasing his popularity from 40% to 45%? If he doesn't deliver on healthcare, lower taxes and other things he promised to the middle class you can stick a fork in the orange, mentally-ill president in 2020. There is no way you know that for sure, that is your speculation and best hypothesis. Your posts are a joke, I should have ignored you like everyone else already does.
  7. How can anyone answer that question until the investigation is complete? Does anyone you know work for the counsel or have access to classified info? He just hired 13 lawyers to help on the case, I'm sure for no reason though so don't worry.
  8. Great post farmer Joe. Does anyone care what you think? I know I don't.
  9. Probably, but I didn't fall off the turnip truck yesterday. How dense are you? I listed two studies, and believe voter fraud happens but is rare. I never said those two studies are the definitive standard. Where is your proof to the contrary? Oh yeah, it doesn't exist and you can't find or post any.
  10. I listed two studies, which is more than you have done to prove your point. Where is your evidence? You know a guy who knows a guy that heard bus loads of illegals were being bussed around to different states to vote? Give me a break.
  11. Registering? Let me know when people vote for those dead people. His job was to register as many people as possible. Finally there is the damning proof that millions voted illegally and Trump actually won the popular vote!
  12. I'm not claiming collusion or obstruction. That is for Mueller to figure out. People who say there is nothing there are blind. There is plenty there. Mueller will figure it all out. To claim it is a hoax before the investigation finishes is ridiculous. Trump is acting guilty and he is venting daily to his aides about it. That is not what innocent people with nothing to worry about do.
  13. Most people like 40% of the nation? Are you serious? Most people wish anyone but Trump was in office. The Clinton's yes, no one wants them in office or the public anymore, but you are wrong about Obama.
  14. Fake news! Nothing to see here. Except… Flynn, Manafort, Carter Page, Sessions recusing himself, Kushner having ties to Russian banks and omitting meetings, Kushner also trying to set up a back line of communication before the administration was established, the firing of Comey and the threatening to fire Mueller, Trump meeting with Russian diplomats and being careless with classified info while not letting the American press to be there, the Russian dossier which is being utilized in the investigation and is becoming more corroborated by the day, Russians who were associated with that dossier dying suspiciously, Tillerson’s motive to lift sanctions so Exxon and Russia can make billions, Trump telling Putin to hack the missing emails, Guccifer 2.0 leaking different emails to wikileaks, Roger Stone having communication with Guccifer 2.0, Roger Stone tweeting publicly it will soon be Podesta’s time in the barrel before the emails were leaked, preventing Yates from testifying, Donald Jr. saying in 2008 that Russians make up a pretty disproportionate cross-section of a lot of our assets and we see a lot of money pouring in from Russia, Trump saying he does no business with Russia, Trump attacking everyone except for Putin and says there are a lot of killers when asked about Putin, Trump acting guilty instead of letting the investigation play out, Trump venting every morning to his aides about the Russia witch hunt, a Russian fertilizer mogul buying one of Trump’s properties for 100 million at the bottom of the housing bust, this fertilizer king’s plane being seen at one of trumps rallies in Concord, Nunes shady trip to the Whitehouse, Nunes recusing himself from the investigation, Trump being afraid to release his taxes which a lot of people think will show ties to Russia and the Russian mob. You’re right there is nothing there and it is all fake news!
  15. How about you do us all a favor. For a change, instead of being the board's debbie downer, go find the evidence of massive voter fraud that no one else has been able to find. If you find it Trump may even give you a spot in his administration. Your title can be the chief executive of pissing in everyone's cornflakes.
  16. This study found voter fraud happens between 0.0003% and 0.0025% of the time. https://www.brennancenter.org/sites/default/files/legacy/The%20Truth%20About%20Voter%20Fraud.pdf This study found 31 illegal votes in a billion votes cast. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/wonk/wp/2014/08/06/a-comprehensive-investigation-of-voter-impersonation-finds-31-credible-incidents-out-of-one-billion-ballots-cast/?utm_term=.f67197a5267a Trump and his team even said they would investigate the issue after he won and found nothing. Yes, some dead people end up staying on lists of registered voters, but here's what they don't tell you on fox, they never cast a vote.This notice by the administration is to help out future re-election efforts, it has nothing to do with eliminating voter fraud. Philly, I'm in the camp of people who think Trump actually cares more about what the press says. He watches 4-5 hours of cable news a day, and it isn't all fox because he responds in real time with tweets to stuff on CNN and MSNBC. All he has to do is shut up and start delivering for the middle class and his popularity will sky rocket.
  17. Fair enough. I'm probably one of those idiots, just ask Tom. Cheers Rhino.
  18. He went back on every campaign promise, huh? Care to list any positives or are we just listing the negatives? What was the country like in 2008 when he took over? I said he had class and left the country in a pretty good place. Didn't realize that would trigger you like it did. A lot of people think he left the country in a better place than when he took office. Aliens, sitcom math, chem-trails, spying, surveillance, Tuskegee experiment, false flag attack, 911 conspiracy, lizard people, the greys, fluoride water........... Do you have a full-on rage boner right now?
  19. LABillz didn't use the words morally corrupt, you're right. He said Trump is "nowhere NEAR as bad as Hillary and Barry when it comes to their nature as a human being." That is completely wrong in my opinion. Obama has class, Trump shows an utter lack of it every time he speaks or tweets. Have any of you even read a transcript of Trump's words? It's an embarrassingly sad and jumbled word salad. Obama actually held press conferences and brushed off the ridiculous **** being said about him on fox. Trump doesn't have the fortitude to brush anything off. Obama didn't cheat on and divorce multiple women or insult people on a daily basis. Obama may not have been the strongest or best president, that much is evident, but he left the country in a pretty good place. The jury is still out on what the country will look like in 3.5 years when Trump leaves office.
  20. Feel better? Most people here don't care what you think just like Trump. Capitalization and grammar might help your cause there champ. Let me know when I actually whine or cry about something like you are doing right now.
  21. Statements like these make you lose all credibility with me. And yes, Buftex's posts are more rational than yours. Pointing to Clinton and Obama constantly makes you look like you are grasping at straws. The media keeps unfairly attacking me for no reason. Did I do that right?
  22. Speaking of making the board stale as hell, right on cue.
  23. You don't know my views and to start I'm not on the left. Doesn't matter though, I'm a nobody. I don't find it worth my time to argue with someone who thinks Obama is as morally corrupt as Trump.
  24. Are you joking? PPP is a conservative echo chamber and any opposing views are shunned and criticized.
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