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Everything posted by gatorbait

  1. Let me know when the evidence shows the note wasn't from him. For that matter, let me know when any evidence points to the Clintons having people wacked.
  2. Find a post where I talked about another "suspicious Clinton death". This one is a joke, he left a note saying there was no foul play involved and he apologized to the authorities for having to find him like that and handling it. Y'all are a bunch of quacks who need to go outside more.
  3. Did I say I have a problem? I said it's cheap and pointless and would prefer his actual opinion on stuff. No one answered if they read all of it. I read actual news from multiple different outlets, that's why I look at the opinion stuff he posts as useless junk.
  4. Yeah it's Obama's fault.
  5. I would love for Bman to post his opinion more. Posting those right-sided links every day seems like a cheap and pointless routine. Unless people are reading all of them, then I will gladly shut up about it.
  6. 81 years old and "In Smiths hotel room, he left a statement police called a suicide note in which he said he was in ill health and a life insurance policy was expiring, the Tribune reported." Must have been the Clintons. No way it could be anything else.
  7. Thanks for posting these from such a great blog website, hotair.com. I would love to know how many people actually read all of your far right opinion links. Most of them aren't news Bman they are opinion.
  8. http://insider.foxnews.com/2017/07/11/donald-trump-jr-russian-lawyer-meeting-charles-krauthammer-incompetence-defense-hannity?ncid=edlinkushpmg00000313
  9. I'm too high from inhaling chemtrails to follow this right now sorry. Didn't 70,000 people in Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania combined decide the election? That isn't exactly the American people sticking it to the system. Maybe I will agree with this when the investigation is over, you are proven right that there is no collusion and I put on my tinfoil hat again because I feel like big brother is watching me.
  10. It could very well be that there is nothing there. After all this drip-drip crap maybe the end game is just terrible popularity ratings for Trump and his administration. But if there is something there and it ends in something drastic for Trump, reading all the posts from the deniers will be glorious.
  11. Haha I would be shocked if someone didn't try to point to Obama or HRC and say look but they did this. After this newest drip it is no surprise Trump distanced himself from the meeting ASAP. Except no one believes that because it was in Trump Tower, with his son, son-in-law and campaign manager at the time. Someone from Russia tried to contact and help the Bill Clinton campaign team and you want to know what they did? Immediately went to the FBI. The treason word being thrown around by Bush's ethics lawyer Richard Painter and others is nothing to take lightly. This is just the beginning, with all the other stuff taken into account and the revelations still to come, by January even BMan will be saying what idiots Trump and his campaign were to knowingly collude with Russia.
  12. Donald Jr. received an email saying the damaging information he was expecting to receive about Hillary Clinton was part of a Russian effort to help Donald Trump's campaign. That is just one email, I'm sure Mueller will find more. Gentlemen, that is evidence of collusion.
  13. For starters he didn't mention this to anyone, it was leaked out. Second, his initial story was that he met to discuss an adoption program of Russian children. Once the report came out he immediately changed his story, saying he took the meeting because he was told he would receive information that would be helpful to the campaign. The times reported the meeting was actually to pass on damaging info about Clinton. It isn't good no matter how you look at it or try to spin it. How do you know nothing came of it? I'm pretty sure that is just one of the 100 things they are investigating right now.
  14. Donald Jr could be in some deep shite if he knowingly went to Russia to get damaging info on Clinton and her campaign. It's not egregious but add it to the list of things that don't seem right when it comes to Trump and Russia.
  15. It was genuine, thanks for the solid response.
  16. It's service to the community, some people think it is important. Clearly you do so much for your local people that it is no big deal. I will take it that since you didn't answer my question you think Obama has a better resume than Trump.
  17. If the worst repercussions are slightly warmer temps and some raised sea levels than the skeptics are right, it's not that big of a deal. I was asking if that much CO2 could do more damage than that because I don't know.
  18. Can someone please school me real quick on a question. I'm not that concerned about ice melting or the ocean and air temps raising slightly. But what about the 40 billion tons of carbon dioxide that gets released into the atmosphere every year? Won't this have a cumulative effect over 50 or 100 years?
  19. What do you know someone blamed something on Obama again. The list contains things most people could never accomplish and it's laughable how you point to that one thing. List Trump's accomplishments for me, besides running a company that he wouldn't even have if his dad didn't leave him millions. I don't think so. The Dems need someone to step up or they may be stuck with her again for the nomination. It will be like the twilight zone if it is Trump vs Hillary again in 2020.
  20. You're ignorant. He was a US senator for 3 and an Illinois state senator for 7. Graduated from Columbia and Harvard law, president of the Harvard Law Review. He was a civil rights attorney, professor and community organizer. Way more than you or Trump have done, pissant.
  21. Alrighty then. Get ahold of the three federal investigations and let them know they can stop now and go home because you heard on Fox News there is no evidence and it is all a hoax. Sounds good to me.
  22. I'm flattered, thanks for thinking of me. It's hilarious how butt-hurt you guys get. I want Tiberius to ramp up his crusade just to see the reaction from you "non-snowflakes".
  23. Right....because it was the Dems who called in a special counsel.
  24. Do you whine about liberals? Check. Do you constantly point to Hillary and Obama? Check. Do simpletons without an argument call people snowflakes when they have nothing else to say or contribute? Check.
  25. You're right, but I'm going to refer to it as leveling out the bias.
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