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Everything posted by gatorbait

  1. I think it is pathetic how some of you are not siding with the counter protestors. The fact of the matter is the alt-right led by Richard Spencer, the KKK with David Duke, militias and white nationalist groups stormed the statute with torches and chanted derogatory slogans. Freaking torches. Sound familiar to a dark part of history in the south? Free speech does not include hate speech. Any language that incites violence is considered illegal, and is not covered under the First Amendment. I applaud the counter protesters, for standing up for what is right. Anyone who says the driver acted in self-defense is a !@#$ing moron. Every video shows him flooring it into a group of counter protestors. Some of you need to take a long hard look in the mirror.
  2. Of course not. She would have started world war 3 by now and would have tons of innocent people who crossed her murdered. She is the corrupt version of the anti-christ and makes Trump look like an honest choirboy. Right Greg? At least answer my questions before you deflect to someone who LOST THE ELECTION AND ISN'T THE !@#$ING PRESIDENT!
  3. Is there a difference between an investigation taking someone down for lying about sexual relations or finding financial wrongdoings? It doesn't matter what the investigation started as, does it? Presidents should have clean pasts and engage in appropriate behavior, period.
  4. Let's not forget about the geniuses down in Brazil. Cutting down 1000s of acres of rainforest to raise cattle.
  5. A doctor probably prescribed it to them. 50,000 people die a year from opiates in this country. Imagine if some of them could be prescribed cannabis for their pain instead of opiates.
  6. This. I would add there are some people who strongly believe cannabis is an anti-inflammatory, pain/stress reliever and sleep aid. Without the harmful effects on the body like alcohol and no hangover the next morning. I'm in the camp that thinks players only smoke at night and on off days.
  7. Kudos for trying. I'm actually surprised you even gave it the time of day. Government officials, astronauts and military servicemen in the documentary actually provided some pretty sound evidence.
  8. Anyone who is interested in this subject should watch the documentary "UFOTV Presence: I Know What I Saw" Very compelling stuff. 4mer I know you won't watch it but I would love to hear your reaction if you did
  9. +1. I think this every time someone on here says no votes were changed.
  10. You finally caught the tater. Haven't you been able to figure it out? When people started blocking me as tiberius I was forced to make this new account. SuckersSeriously though Tom, am I really in your head that much that you have nothing better to do on a Friday night besides find the one post that disproves my claim from months ago? Bravo. You didn't need to do all that work to prove I am full of ****. My words speak for themselves.
  11. I told you not to tell anyone about the DMs I've been sending you. Now I'm really embarrassed.
  12. Are you serious? Months ago I said there is smoke when it comes to Trump and Russia. That's it. I haven't claimed obstruction or collusion or anything. I'm flattered I'm getting all these responses from you geniuses but come on.
  13. What is a tooch? Don't worry you aren't my type. I don't likegirly little twinks.
  14. I have been laughing and having fun the past hour, it appears you have been getting your tighty whities in a bunch
  15. Ask grin and ladyboyst, apparently where there is smoke there is a gay fire.
  16. You wouldn't know a joke if it dick slapped you in the head. Wrong.
  17. Same reason you still come here to post your rambling drivel, for kicks. I enjoy this schit, clearly.
  18. Good lord son. Reading your posts and insults makes me feel kind of bad for you. They couldn't be any more fuking boring and lame. And for the record gays like me and boyst have grinder for hooking up, duh. This is hilarious
  19. Wrong. If gator polluted every single thread with multiple things 10x a day I would probably say something. Find a post of mine where I told gator good job man, +1 or keep it up. You are a queefcake and a dumb fuk
  20. Haha jesus christ I bet you are a real hoot at parties. Do you have any guy friends left outside of the internet world? Us millennials say way worse to each other. So eat a dick and relax.
  21. Yeah yeah, let us know the results. Maybe you won't be such a b itch if it grows a little.
  22. So you had a link for that ready to go huh? Interesting.
  23. Pot meet kettle. With all due respect, choke on my dick.
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