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Everything posted by gatorbait
Was not expecting a move like this. Playoffs here we come.
Who isn't going on with life? Last I checked the economy is doing fine and people are still showing up for work. The right bashed every move Obama made for eight years and the left dealt with it. Now, trump is deservedly getting criticized at every turn and it seems like the right can't handle it. Bitching and whining about the left is still bitching and whining, it's just not about Obama any more.
I said I don't know it for a fact. Keep up Tim. At least I'm Jimmy in this cripple fight.
A post from B-man that people might actually read. You said the right might have an ulterior motive to take Trump down. Any proof? Didn't think so.
Can you please provide one shred of evidence that they are secretly planning to bring down Trump?
He's a Republican for starters. Was appointed by George Bush and has a solid reputation for being a strict and detailed attorney/investigator. He was highly regarded and praised by everyone when he took over the special counsel, even republicans publicly supported him and his resume. If people don't like some of the democrats he hired onto his team I get that. And I don't really know, no one does. Just like no one can honestly say they know he is inspired by the left. To your last point, if republicans are secretly plotting to bring trump down, I may have to start sending donations to the RNC. So he should have hired all republican lawyers, right? Forget credentials and experience when you can just hire like-minded partisans. Stupid. You brought up drive by posters.
Of course you can have your opinion princess. Let's wait and see. Chances are more of Dotard's cronies (he has the best people) will be charged before HRC. I couldn't care less though if Podesta and Clinton go down if there is real evidence, they aren't the president. Also, Mueller doesn't represent the left and isn't inspired to dig up dirt for one party. You look like a bitter tard for even suggesting it. And 26 adds more value to the stadium wall than you could ever dream of contributing here. The truth hurts.
Aw, another thin skinned righty calling someone a snowflake. The beautiful thing about PPP is you are not a mod, and you have no control over who posts what. Deal with it and go back to complaining about Obama and Hillary (your safe space). Oh yeah and after eight years of investigating HRC, nothing. Now there are actual indictments and you idiots are silent about it. Pathetic.
The fallen soldier's mom corroborated Trump's pathetic phone call. Trump kept referring to him as your guy, probably because he didn't even know his name, and said he knew what he signed up for. Way to make everyone feel better Donny. You would think a repeated draft dodger would give every last ounce of respect in his body to the military and their families, but not this orange tard. And Trump actually makes Bush seem like a scholar and a master of the English language. Unbelievable.
I personally don't think so but I'm not a legal expert. That aside, quit pretending like you give a crap about the legality of the matter. Most Americans just want better insurance and lower premiums. Now answer my questions dotard. Was it legal to order a tomahawk strike without congressional approval? Is it legal to use funds from a non-profit to pay off politicians and fines? Is it legal to fire someone because you don't like the way they are investigating you? How about giving your family jobs in the White House or renting out your properties to foreign governments?
That's your proof, a post from March about surveillance? I just assumed you were one of the people that was concerned about big brother watching them, it wasn't a reference to anything.
Are you serious? I'm 29 and live in Florida. I did patron shots and pickle backs all day with my buddies for his birthday. Bad idea. Plus I never said I was alive back then, good lord man.
Mine is a gator head with an orange and blue filter because I like the Florida gators almost as much as I like the Bills
I was wasted that night. You truly will believe any conspiracy you hear, huh?
This is a free country but we are not free to do whatever we want. We have free speech but we cannot say whatever we want, whenever we want. Making threats, using slander, libel, inciting violence and yes, using hate speech is not tolerated in this country and can lead to an arrest and prosecution. Debate that all you want with your fancy lawyer talk but that is how it is.
Haha okay. I proved you wrong about the First Amendment. I informed the board of the truth that the driver has racist posts on social media and wasn't acting in self-defense. The only digging I'm doing is a grave for ignorant partisan hacks. The most violent and radical people on both sides should be locked up, that's my opinion.
Some of their members might. They are dead wrong and should be locked up for radical views like that. I'm not advocating for any extremist group in this country, we are already way too polarized as it is. I'm all for peaceful protesting though, it's our right.
I agree. However there is a misunderstanding about the First Amendment. You do not have the right to say whatever you want, whenever you want. If you say the word bomb on an airplane, threaten to harm the president or use hateful speech that insights violence you will be arrested. There are many other examples about how you cannot say anything you want in this country.
Do you really think the only people there protesting the march were from BLM and anti-fascist groups? If you truly believe that then you really are ignorant. Tons of independent people protest for what they feel is right. BLM wants equality and to be treated fairly by the police. The nazis and kkk want to be the master race with the downfall of other ethnicities as the result. I'm pretty sure no one on this website approves of the violence on either side. So that makes it okay right? You are a tool. Stop spewing your hate on the internet and go hang out with your daughter.
The first amendment was related to how you could not speak out about the ruling party at the time, period. I agree with you on that. Speak easies and negative remarks about the crown were illegal. People have taken the first amendment to mean you can say anything at any time. That is false. You can and will be arrested for using hateful language that incites violence.
Go yell hateful speech that provokes people into violence and you will get arrested. Plain and simple. You are the king of pathetic bigots so I don't even care what you think. The driver has nazi and white supremacist posts on his social media. Insecure white people and their ass-backward thinking led to three deaths yesterday.