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Everything posted by gatorbait

  1. Months ago, maybe a year ago, Tasker laid out an action plan with some great ideas for improving health care/insurance in this country. It may be hard to find but I’m sure it is in this thread at least once.
  2. Want to bet on it? Now you are promising your conspiracies are going to be revealed. Don’t be so desperate, just let it happen.
  3. This is big guys, and just the start. Obama is so busted.
  4. I ate a lot of paint chips as a kid.
  5. So you have no proof this is connected to the Clinton camp. Gotcha. And for the record no one here gives a **** if they actually do lock her up. She lost and is done in politics and the government, get over it.
  6. Are you waiting for the FBI and DOJ to tie this to the Clintons, or are we supposed to connect the dots? This is the kind of dumb **** you post, where you insinuate something as totally connected and obvious, with little to no proof.
  7. I’m going to keep going to see how many you have and get my post count up.
  8. Aw, look at the “grown” man using shh gifs. Cute.
  9. Look windowlicker, when there are no indictments this year for anyone in the FBI and DOJ, and the investigations into Hillary and Obama lead nowhere, you can come back here and gargle my balls until you find a new conspiracy theory to fantasize about.
  10. Softy. Let us know when you can prove any of the wacko bull **** you spout.
  11. You’re the only dingbat who believes I am Tiberius. You understand that right?
  12. You are the Dunkirk Don of PPP.
  13. I’m still waiting for anything you have predicted to actually happen. Lunatic.
  14. The title of that article is so stupid it hurts. The house passed this, not just democrats. Does anyone actually believe Trump is running or dictating what the military and intelligence agencies are doing? He is a puppet and a mouthpiece for whatever he sees on Fox News. I think it’s hilarious how Republicans bitched about spying and surveillance and then the Republican led House just passed a bill to make surveilance easier and even more far-reaching. This bill sucks, same old **** and same old swamp.
  15. He had to call them shithole countries to bring attention to immigration? What a joke, he’s been talking about it since he started campaigning. Now people are going to pay attention to him about immigration because he said some countries are shitholes? Legal immigration isn’t going anywhere. We will continue to take refugees and immigrants from all over the world. We can talk all day about fixing illegal immigration but immigration isn’t going to stop because Donald said Haiti and Nigeria are shitholes. Where are your ancestors from? I bet you aren’t Native American.
  16. Then he should try and fix that stuff. How does calling a country a shithole help anything? If you can’t see that he takes a step backward every time he puts his foot in his mouth like this then I don’t know what to tell you.
  17. The uproar isn’t about whether Nigeria and Haiti are actually shitholes. People are pissed because our President should know better and act with more class. Do you think his behavior and language is acceptable?
  18. Someone who refuses to go to the UK because of protestors is a snowflake. Dodging the draft because of “bone spurs” is also a snowflake thing to do.
  19. The OP is a bigger snowflake than the girl in the story.
  20. If a tire blows out or someone pulls into your lane what do you think is going to happen if you are driving 150mph? Check liveleak or YouTube if you want to see numerous crashes and deaths. You claimed driving 150mph is safer than smoking a plant, it’s not.
  21. This is a stretch. Tons of people have died driving like that. Name one person who has died from smoking weed. Not smoking and then driving, but just smoking pot.
  22. 2017: LAR - 29.9 PPG (1st) Miami - 17.6 PPG (28th) 2016: Washington - 24.8 PPG (12th) Miami - 22.7 (17th) 2015: Washington - 24.3 PPG (10th) Chicago - 20.9 PPG (23rd)
  23. Sean McVay is the brightest young offensive mind in the league.
  24. Let’s enjoy this season and the playoffs before we start worrying about next year. Also, YOLO is owning SaviorPetey in this thread.
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