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Everything posted by gatorbait

  1. Rounding up and exterminating millions of people has nothing to do with war you ignorant retard. You and any of your offspring should be sterilized for the good of humanity.
  2. Who are these people that are taking down the establishment and giving the country back to the people? Do you have links or is this inside info from your talks with people? Stephen Miller thought spraying on fake hair was a good strategy, please tell me he’s not one of them.
  3. Greg we know you’re all in on Q. How many times have you posted wwg1wga or those stupid q fanboy videos? I bet you text your buddies q stuff all the time. You’re being duped man, just like the mainstream lemmings on Russia.
  4. They are investigating collusion. No one besides the most partisan lefties are claiming collusion to be a fact. Most reasonable people don’t think Trump actually colluded with Russia. Some are waiting to see the results of the investigation to see to what extent if any the campaign colluded. Saying collusion is the biggest conspiracy instead of your boy Q tells us everything we need to know as to where your head is at. At the end of this you are going to look like a fool for believing an incel troll like he’s a messiah.
  5. We should question the veracity of everything in life and take every political article with a grain of salt. That doesn’t mean we need to think every piece of news is false or intentionally misleading.
  6. Your point is wrong. News outlets report hundreds of true things everyday. People like you discredit the entire outlet because you don’t like their biased political hit pieces on Trump. Same with millions of people who hate Fox News.
  7. I know that’s hard to believe. He’s become more unhinged in recent years but I have actually learned a lot from him over the years and I respect his opinion even when I disagree.
  8. Are you sure we can believe this? Sounds like fake news...
  9. Aside from Tom, Doc brown, Tasker and a few others this place has really turned into a cesspool and conspiracy forum. Jeff it doesn’t even matter if that was an attempt at being funny, you will always be an ignorant moron and no one will ever take you seriously.
  10. This way of thinking is disgraceful and makes you a piece of ***** like the people on the left you despise. Man I feel bad for the people around you if you ever become rich and powerful.
  11. More explosive devices sent to a home of the Clinton’s and Obama’s office. Definitely a false flag because only the left has extremists. Right? https://www.businessinsider.com/explosive-device-bill-hillary-clinton-home-ied-chappaqua-2018-10
  12. Haha and you still think hurricanes are no big deal? Bro you are a piece of work...
  13. Did you watch the video?
  14. Check out this video Jeff http://m.worldstarhiphop.com/apple/video.php?v=wshh7r77z3HYxjz7Hal0
  15. Calling out your ignorance is one of my hobbies.
  16. I’ve lived on the eastern coast of Florida my whole life. You are 100% accurate about anything over a 3.
  17. You’re completely ignorant and wrong like usual. 150+ mph winds would destroy your farm/trailer and ruin your livelihood.
  18. Says the guy who lives a hundred miles inland. Live on the coast and sit through a 4 or 5 and I bet you’ll change your mind.
  19. Surely you understand if a reporter outs his source by name he loses that source, right? I wish every article had to list names but that isn’t how journalism works. People lose and gain credibility over time by the accuracy of what they write. Woodward gained cred over four decades of political writing and it’s disingenuous to cast his writing aside because he shines a light on the craziness in the White House. The generals look past Trump’s deficiencies for the greater good of this country, but don’t think for a second they aren’t critical of the way he conducts himself both publicly and privately. And are we really worried about norms and customs all of a sudden? This administration does not follow that mantra, and norms and customs went out the window in 2016. I don’t know why they didn’t send a copy to the White House and neither does anyone here. You’re telling me the most powerful person in the world couldn’t obtain a copy of a book if he wanted it?
  20. You’re connecting things without direct evidence they are related. Actually, he did interview people directly (first hand), with the agreement he wouldn’t name names. Those same people deny it publicly and admit it privately, which is the smart thing to do with a petty and vindictive boss. His journalism has never been questioned until now, by Trump and his supporters. Go figure.
  21. With all due respect I think you are exaggerating things. No one deployed him because he does this for a living. He interviewed people and wrote about what they said. Does it really need to be any more complicated than that? Was he conspiring with the Deep State when he wrote damaging things about other presidents?
  22. Woodward has chronicled every presidency since the early 70’s and has written 18 books. To say he is a partisan hack or is out to get Trump is ridiculous. After dozens and dozens of interviews he wrote what he found and calls it like he sees it. I swear, if Trump and his followers would stop whining all the time and focused more on furthering his agenda and accomplishments, everyone would be better off. Trump’s insecurity and Twitter diarrhea is tarnishing his surprisingly successful presidency.
  23. https://www.echelonfront.com/ I heard about these guys from Joe Rogan’s podcast. They are former Navy Seals who do consulting for companies. The name of their book is extreme ownership. I think we can all agree that not enough people own their problems and are too quick to point the finger at anyone other than themselves.
  24. I’m glad we like polls again. The NFL is a juggernaught and will do just fine. Saying the president has the support of the American people is still a stretch. People want politics out of football, but most aren’t going to stop watching because a handful of “pussies” kneel for the anthem.
  25. How do you know the president has the backing of the American people? Viewership went down less than 10% last year. NFL is still the most popular thing on tv. Your bias for the orange one is showing.
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