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Everything posted by \GoBillsInDallas/

  1. Go Sabres!
  2. Go Sabres!
  3. Go Sabres!
  4. Go Sabres!
  5. Go Sabres!
  6. Go Sabres!
  7. Go Sabres!
  8. Go Sabres!
  9. Go Sabres!
  10. Go Sabres!
  11. Go Sabres!
  12. Go Sabres!
  13. Go Sabres!
  14. Go Sabres!
  15. Go Sabres!
  16. Go Sabres!
  17. Go Sabres!
  18. The greatest female Country singer ever? I don't know whether she's at the head of the class, but it sure won't take long to call the roll:
  19. https://apnews.com/article/sports-soccer-police-indonesia-java-c31edecf524ddbb1d3a4b276c581d0b0
  20. Fort Myers before Fort Myers after
  21. https://pagesix.com/2022/09/29/donna-derrico-54-braves-la-heat-wave-in-gold-bikini/
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