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Everything posted by \GoBillsInDallas/

  1. Four-year-olds. Let's get things right man!
  2. Wow, you stepped into a minefield for this topic! In general, do NOT get an extended warranty, mainly because of the fine print in the contract. Extended warranties do not cover problems/failures due to accidents, abuse or misuse. And the warranty companies themselves make that determination. That is why you see the other posters talk about "fighting with the warranty company". For example, let's say that you buy a new dryer. You use it for 18 months and it stops working. The warranty company will say something like "you didn't do any yearly maintenance on the dryer, therefore, we won't pay". They will point out the maintenance requirements (ex. interior cleaning) in the owner's manual and ask for evidence that the maintenance was done. Therefore, you "abused" the dryer by not doing regular maintenance. Same thing with other appliances, cars, exercise equipment, etc.
  3. https://www.wsbtv.com/news/local/ga-elementary-school-principal-pe-teacher-fired-having-sex-school-investigation-finds/CAWL77PX5VCM5DRNU6CA7227D4/
  4. The IRS website allows you to check on the income forms that the charities are required to file" https://www.irs.gov/charities-non-profits/tax-exempt-organization-search
  5. "It's not me causing the problem, it's everyone else" https://nypost.com/2023/02/09/bill-gates-defends-private-jet-habit-despite-climate-activism/
  6. I think it was Wacka taking a dump.
  7. https://www.kiiitv.com/article/news/crime/south-texas-teacher-arrested-on-5-felony-counts/503-11ab8de3-65c5-4c73-9122-3273b74f64df Cleaned-up version
  8. https://apnews.com/article/sports-canada-vermont-a36bc8d0b7e47c688754d0266a155af4
  9. https://archive.is/A3pSu
  10. https://www.wfaa.com/article/news/local/georgia-bulldogs-quarterback-stetson-bennett-arrested-on-public-intoxication-charge-in-dallas-police-say/287-4f0caf3c-6d7d-4c46-a1fc-535aac7638a8?ref=exit-recirc
  11. Anyone been following hi facial recognition software fiasco? https://nypost.com/2023/01/26/james-dolan-threatens-to-halt-alcohol-sales-at-rangers-game/
  12. https://www.post-gazette.com/sports/duquesne/2023/01/25/duquesne-basketball-vs-loyola-dukes-won-72-58-uber-eats-delivery-clark-iii-gunn-reece-grant/stories/202301250109 https://triblive.com/sports/duquesne-mens-hoops-game-interrupted-by-apparent-uber-eats-delivery-attempt/
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