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Everything posted by \GoBillsInDallas/

  1. Can you imagine being in a locker room in Columbus and having a naked Beerball standing next to you?
  2. Hitler finally weighs in on the Sabres: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6TG5Bda0Eoo
  3. ...her son plays on the HS football team, and the football team played the No. 1-ranked team in the State last week, and got beat 91-0. http://www.star-telegram.com/2013/10/21/5264501/was-aledos-91-0-football-win-last.html
  4. http://www.14news.co...-at-local-store "He was telling me to get on the ground," said Sanders, who decided to fight fire with fire. "That's when I pulled my weapon and say, 'No, you get on the ground.'"
  5. http://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/news/scottish-news/sex-scandal-teacher-accused-having-2461160
  6. The LA Clippers play in Los Angeles, and share the same arena as the Kings and Lakers, as well as various other minor sports (WNBA, etc.). This is the same arrangement in virtually all cities. As in all cities, all of the "home" teams have their banners hanging from the ceiling. For example, if you go to Chicago, you will see the championship banners for the Bulls and Blackhawks hanging from the ceiling, as well as things like retired numbers (Michael Jordan, Bobby Hull, etc.). So, the coach of the Clippers (Doc Rivers) has decided that the Lakers' banners "offend" him, and for Clipper home games, he will cover up all of the Lakers' stuff with generic Clippers banners (since they have no championships or retired numbers). The Kings' stuff, however, will not be covered: http://www.latimes.com/sports/la-sp-clippers-20131019,0,3646795.story
  7. Alan Thicke??? Yeah, I know that his talk show in the 1980's was terrible, but that doesn't make him a bad person 25 years later.
  8. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pyGpzdnVMRE “If I could be remembered for one thing, that would be for being myself. You may not always be right, but you do what you think is right. If you’re wrong, have the ability to admit it. Both are damned important.” “There are people, maybe two or three, that ain’t gonna like you. Not everybody likes everybody. My grandpa used to say, ‘Just nod and grin.’” “You can lead me a lot further than you can drive me…You can’t win today by embarrassing your football players. If I played for a guy who shouted at me, I’d sock him…If you gripe at everybody you accomplish nothing. To motivate somebody, you have to explain why something needs to be done before you can ask someone to do it. Tell me why and I’ll do just about everything.” “How do you win? By getting average players to play good and good players to play great.” “I always thought I could coach. I just thought people were poor judges of good coaches.” “Bear Bryant had by far the biggest influence on my life. He just had a way with people, a way of explaining things without having to curse, holler and scream. He’d brag about people, make you feel like you were the most important person in the world to him.” “Two kinds of ballplayers aren’t worth a darn: One that never does what he’s told and one who does nothing except what he’s told.” “You can’t practice being miserable.” “Don Shula? Now there’s a good football coach. He can take his’n and beat your’n, or he can take your’n and beat his’n.” “The Dallas Cowboys may be America’s team, but the Houston Oilers are Texas’ team.” “I never scrimmage Oilers against Oilers. Houston isn’t on our schedule.” “I think (Oilers owner Bud Adams) likes me. But that doesn’t mean he won’t fire me. You know, I’ve got to prove something. Bud doesn’t. He owns the team…There are two types of coaches: them that’s been fired and them that are gonna be fired.” “Friendship is nothin’ you can take from a guy. He has to give it.” “Every team better have good morale. The team that feels like, ‘Boy, this is a great place to be,’ is the team that’s gonna win.” “I consider kickers to be football players. In a 10-7 game, one of ‘em is going to be the difference.” “Defense is so much easier to play than offense. It’s a matter of determination and courage and want-to. Defense is a guy going out there and reacting to something. Offense? You gotta plan something. It takes 11 people to put a running play together. One guy can make a tackle.” “If you gouge a guy, he’ll strike back. If he don’t strike back, he ain’t worth a damn. Them good ol’ boys will get you beat 21-7.” “You gotta have rules, but you also gotta allow for a fella to mess up every once in awhile.” “Playing Pittsburgh is like eating an ice cream cone on a hot summer day. Sometimes before you can get it all in your mouth, it gets all over you.” “When people say we gotta play Pittsburgh twice a year, I remind them, ‘Well, they gotta play us twice, too.’” “I like effort and extra effort. If you don’t like my attitude, see your friendly player rep.” “You want a guy who ain’t afraid to play with a little pain. I don’t mean an injury – there’s a difference. What if you have a headache? You play. Well, a sprained ankle is the same as a headache. You tape it up and play.” “The officials, they got a tough job. Gawdalmighty, they got a tough job. You can’t be bitchin’ at ‘em all the time.” “I joined the Marine Corps. I learned my lesson. I never joined anything again in my life. I went in as a private and, 31 months later, I came out a private. I thought they couldn’t win that war without me. Then I got in there and I thought they couldn’t win because of me. I was no hero. The guys who died fighting were the heroes. And the Marine Corps was real spit and polish. I wasn’t.”
  9. http://nypost.com/2013/10/17/jets-rookie-nfl-panders-to-tom-brady/
  10. And would ya? http://www.nydailynews.com/life-style/co-ed-don-hate-rich-article-1.1489621
  11. http://www.nydailynews.com/entertainment/gossip/super-model-rafaeli-laments-single-status-article-1.1489317
  12. http://nypost.com/2013/10/16/the-150-haircut-that-got-me-laid/
  13. The Bills are currently owned free and clear by Ralph Wilson, and have no debt. With no debt and their current (limited) revenue streams, they can survive in today's NFL. When Ralph passes in the near future, any new owner will have substansial debt. With a new owner, substansial debt, and their current (limited) revenue streams, they cannot survive in today's NFL. That is what we are all scared about.
  14. The $10 drink is made with six ounces of the Fort Worth beer, six ounces of vanilla ice cream and two ounces of bacon infused with maple syrup. Mix it together and top it with bacon crumbles and whipped cream and you have the newest snack for race fans 21 and older. http://www.foxsportssouthwest.com/fox-sports-networks/story/Texas-Motor-Speedway-unveils-bacon-and-b?blockID=951289&feedID=3742
  15. Students want her back: "We can't live without you!" http://www.nydailynews.com/news/national/spanish-teacher-posed-naked-playboy-fired-article-1.1487060
  16. '"She taught us all - men and women - etiquette, class and what you are supposed to do," recalled the Four Tops' Duke Fakir on Monday. "That's artist development. I will truly miss her."' http://www.freep.com...D=2013310140153 http://www.detroitne...ARIES/310140102
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