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Everything posted by \GoBillsInDallas/

  1. http://www.redbubble.com/people/sitonyourface/works/11128479-khaaaan?grid_pos=7&p=throw-pillow
  2. ...with the usual results: http://www.washingtonpost.com/local/scattered-power-outages-reported-across-dc-area/2015/04/07/8f4e8b84-dd49-11e4-a500-1c5bb1d8ff6a_story.html
  3. I think that I need to click on the link and fill out all of the information and e-mail it back to them ASAP. After all, it has the copyright symbol on the last line, so the e-mail is obviously authentic.
  4. Dear American Express customer, We have recently detected that a different computer user has attempted gaining access to your online account and multiple passwords were attempted with your user ID. Hence it is necessary to re-confirm your account information and complete a profile update. You can do this by downloading the attached file and updating the neccessary fields. Note: If this process is not completed within 24-48 hours we will be forced to suspend your account online access as it may have been used for fraudulent purposes. Completion of this update will avoid any possible problems with your account. Thank you for being a valued customer. © American Express Customer Service 2015.
  5. Then again, everyone on this board is a teetotaler. http://www.wsj.com/articles/scotch-whisky-gets-left-out-of-the-party-1427922058 Scotch on the Rocks While Bourbon Is Booming With bourbon rising in popularity, Scotch exports sank 7% in 2014 By Peter Evans in London and Tripp Mickle in Atlanta April 1, 2015 5:00 p.m. In the U.S., bourbon and Tennessee whiskey collected $2.68 billion in gross revenue in 2014, a 9.6% increase from a year earlier, while Scotch revenue was flat at $2 billion, according to the Distilled Spirits Council of the U.S.
  6. So basically, they will look like the Bengals.
  7. http://nypost.com/2015/04/06/mayweather-pacquiao-and-hypocritical-greed-at-sports-core/ Summary: Guy goes on vacation in Florida, and decides to go see a baseball spring training game. Once he gets there, he finds out that the cost of a ticket for a spring training game is $30. $30? For a spring training game? He decides to buy the ticket anyway and, since he arrived a little early, he decides to watch some batting practice. He goes into the stadium, and the security guards won't let him in. Why? Because a ticket to the game doesn't allow you to watch batting practice! "Oh, so you want to watch batting practice, too? That'll be an extra $25!"
  8. http://www.irishmirror.ie/news/weird-news/man-died-after-having-sex-5452087
  9. http://www.washingtonpost.com/local/crime/teen-volleyball-player-takes-her-dispute-to-another-kind-of-court/2015/03/31/e72fb174-c8f0-11e4-b2a1-bed1aaea2816_story.html
  10. http://www.fox23.com/news/news/local/woman-claims-she-was-too-fat-cab-ride/nkjtP/
  11. http://www.nydailynews.com/news/national/stance-chick-fil-a-costs-ariz-man-200-000-year-job-article-1.2167969
  12. http://crimeblog.dallasnews.com/2015/03/police-say-garland-mother-left-7-year-old-daughter-alone-overnight-outside-dallas-spa.html/
  13. Let's take a selfie! http://www.nydailynews.com/new-york/selfies-east-village-explosion-raises-online-furor-article-1.2166052
  14. 19 other states already have this law, including 8 with democratic governors and legislatures: http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/the-fix/wp/2015/03/27/19-states-that-have-religious-freedom-laws-like-indianas-that-no-one-is-boycotting/ 13 other states are currently considering similar laws, including 6 with democratic governors and legislatures: http://www.ncsl.org/research/civil-and-criminal-justice/2015-state-rfra-legislation.aspx
  15. Wonder how he would have done as Bills or Sabres owner? http://www.ft.com/intl/cms/s/0/5dfb29e4-cd67-11e4-9144-00144feab7de.html The Business Guru: Bob Rich of Rich Products Attracta Mooney Financial Times March 26, 2015 12:00 am Bob Rich is the chairman and majority owner of Rich Products, a privately held US food company that sells its goods in more than 110 countries. He joined the family business in 1963, first establishing its Canadian arm before returning to Buffalo, New York, to set up the company’s sales and marketing team. The 73-year-old was president and chief executive between 1978 and 2006. A consummate sportsman, he owns several sports clubs, including the Buffalo Bisons baseball team. He is also the chairman of Cleveland Clinic, a medical centre in Ohio. “A lot of young people are reluctant to go into their family business because they know critics will say they are only there because of being family,” he says. “But I was able to put that behind me. I realised I had a chance to start at a good level, with good financial backing. By going into a company that was entrepreneurial, that was already on a good growth curve, I had the opportunity to go further faster. I realised I was who I was and I could just ignore any of the criticism that came my way. That was one of the better decisions I made in my life. “When I went into the company in 1963, we were doing $12m in sales. Now it’s approaching $3.5bn. When you are on that kind of trajectory, you get a lot of requests to sell the business. But I’ve never been tempted. In fact, I get so many offers and requests I have prepared a form letter and my assistant sends it out automatically. People could say that is irresponsible. But it gives our people a great level of comfort. They are never going to be called into a staff meeting in the cafeteria and be told that the company is being sold. “When I get up in the morning, I can do what is best for Rich Products and the 9,000 people who work for our company. I don’t have to go to New York and try to mesmerise potential investors or investment bankers. That gives me a tremendous advantage over people in listed companies. If we see a need for a new plant or an acquisition or a pricing policy to promote goods to build market share, we don’t have to worry about what the investment banks in New York or London are going to think about that. We just do it. “We developed a model where we would buy other closely held businesses. We knew what it was like to be a family business. We knew in many cases the elder generation was looking to cut down risk. We knew the young people wanted more responsibility and more financing. Knowing that, it gave us a great platform for making acquisitions. So through some 20 acquisitions over a decade, we became a family business of family businesses. “Contrary to what many people think, winning is important. Winning is everything. If a company sets a goal and it’s not about winning, it’s a bad goal. You have to set winning as a priority and then you really have to give people the tools to win. People say: ‘We are not number one, but that’s OK.’ But for me that’s not acceptable. For me winning is not an option — it is a mandate. Survival is not a good target. You have to win. But you win together as a team and you celebrate together and you have fun doing it. “In sports, whether you are a goalie or a striker, you have to win together. If the team has a weakness, when you get to the championship game, it will be exploited. So if you carry the analogy through to business, you have to make sure you really are spending time on attracting and hiring and retaining the best people that you can. “My father was asked what advice he would give someone starting out. He said: ‘Don’t drink martinis at lunch,’ which I thought was pretty good. That’s not my advice, though. People have to find their passion. You might take jobs to learn skills, but ultimately everyone should look to find their passion. Finding that passion might be more important than the pay you are receiving. “A lot of success comes down to people being risk-takers, finding their passion, being restless and keeping their youthful curiosity. For me those things are much more important than a university education. “Retirement is not in my vocabulary. There are still a lot of things I want to do — retirement is not one of them.”
  16. http://ratter.com/restaurant-serves-vigilante-justice-against-a-dishonest-1693206918 Customer writes review, saying that staff treated him poorly Restaurant reviews security footage and finds that customer did not talk to any staff and only stayed in restaurant for 22 seconds Restaurant posts video of reviewer on their website Reviewer then complains that the restaurant is "bullying" him by calling him out and that they had no right to post the video
  17. Pistol-packing perp perforates pork-purveying pursuit - porkless pabulum provided.
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