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Everything posted by \GoBillsInDallas/

  1. Update: I requested the report and got it. (25 pages) It has information about you for the last 20 years including: Traffic Violations Dates that you personally requested a copy of your credit report Addresses, current and previous Aircraft ownership Car ownership Boat ownership Property assessments Bankruptcy history Business ownership Criminal Records Deed records Education history Lawsuits, judgments and liens Email addresses, business and personal Phone numbers, including cell and unlisted numbers Professional Licenses Social Security numbers
  2. https://www.pjstar.com/news/20190805/ex-washington-high-school-coach-arrested-on-sex-charge
  3. I think that Victoria, Audra, Jarrod, Heath or Nick would be able to step in without missing a beat.
  4. https://apnews.com/a0409119ab71400b944662fc770593a0 Makes you wonder how much longer Sal Maiorana and Leo Roth will stay at the D&C (and whether the D&C will cover the Bills at all).
  5. Over the weekend, I emailed a friend of mine who is a writer for the Fort Worth Star Telegram (though he doesn't cover sports). Here's what he said. 1. For season-long coverage, most pro or college teams have a form that needs to be filled out, submitted, and approved. 2. For individual game coverage, teams will require an e-mail or a faxed letter on letterhead, 3. The email needs to be from a work email account that is associated with the media being represented. Personal email accounts are not acceptable, 4. The information that needs to be provided includes Employee name, office phone, cell phone, email Supervisor's name, office phone, cell phone, email Name of Media organization Physical address of Media organization Description of what the employee does for the Media organization (photographer, team beat writer, columnist, etc.) Names of Professional Media Organizations that the employee belongs to
  6. FYI here is the Dallas Cowboys media policy: https://www.dallascowboys.com/credential-policies
  7. until
    Go Bills!
  8. https://www.luxuryandbeachrealty.com/homes-for-sale-details/742-SOUTHWEST-BOULEVARD-N-ST-PETERSBURG-FL-33703/U8054076/32/
  9. We're talking about tuna, not the fat women that you date.
  10. Let's travel to our Climate Change Summit in our private jets and mega yachts
  11. "What's this shiny metal tube thingy?"
  12. "Big Baller Brandon Beane"
  13. https://www.washingtonpost.com/travel/2019/07/28/childless-millennials-are-passionately-defending-their-disney-fandom/
  14. Why didn't we use our phasers or photon torpedoes?
  15. https://pilotonline.com/news/local/crime/article_a0cf9740-aec3-11e9-88bf-2f1269721a1b.html
  16. https://pagesix.com/2019/07/25/bette-midler-accused-of-racism-over-tweet-about-african-american-trump-supporters/
  17. Speaking of which: https://buffalonews.com/2019/07/24/teslas-solar-energy-business-takes-a-turn-for-the-worse/
  18. RIP Christopher Kraft: The face of NASA: https://www.nytimes.com/2019/07/22/science/christopher-kraft-dead-nasa.html
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