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Everything posted by \GoBillsInDallas/

  1. https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2019/10/29/why-america-needs-hate-speech-law/
  2. https://www.nytimes.com/2019/10/28/opinion/wegmans-brooklyn-opening.html
  3. Then again, here is the more important news from the World Series: https://nypost.com/2019/10/28/julia-rose-lauren-summer-banned-indefinitely-after-flashing-gerrit-cole-at-world-series/
  4. Surprised not to see ~NG~ in this thread this morning. Then again, they only beat Notre Dame and not a REAL team.
  5. https://www.manchestereveningnews.co.uk/news/greater-manchester-news/what-happened-man-caught-trying-17138758
  6. https://nypost.com/2019/10/22/adult-film-star-opens-up-about-leaving-mormon-church-for-porn/
  7. ...You think "Cookie" is a "who", not a "what". ...You think "Rockpile" is a "what", not a "who". ...Your idea of “color commentary” is Stan Barron. ...Your idea of a sideline reporter is Dick Rifenburg. ...Your idea of "all sports, all the time" is WBEN-AM. ...Your idea of a quarterback controversy is Kemp-Lamonica. ...You don't think that Bruce Smith is the greatest NFL defensive lineman of all time. Shoot, you don't think that he is the greatest BILLS defensive lineman of all time (see Sestak, Tom). ...You thought that Pete Gogolak was a sissy because he wasn’t a linebacker or lineman like all the other kickers in the league. ...You think Laverne is a man’s name. ...You think "Earthquake" is a running back. ...You thought that Ernie Warlick was the coolest football player around, not because he played football, but because he owned a hamburger stand. ...You know what made Dan McGrew dangerous. ...You never could understand why Paul Maguire was listed on the roster as “LB”. ...You think "Abruzzese" is a safety, not a pasta sauce. ...You know that “Duby” was a “flanker” and that “Bass” was a “split end”. ...You consider Marty Schottenheimer to be a linebacker, not a coach. ...When you hear the word, you think "Duby" instead of "doobie". ...Your kids don’t believe that there were once real first names like Remi, Hagood, Birtho, Daryle, Buster, Booth, Mack and Wray. ...You remember Bills’ players missing games because they were on National Guard duty. ...You know what "Best Exit" means. ...You remember that the only Bills home game that your Mom ever wanted to see in person was against the Los Angeles Rams, and that was because the Rams brought along Jim Nabors to sing the national anthem. ...Your dad took you to Bills games while wearing a fedora and a tie with a tie clip. ...Today, you have the strongest bladder of anyone in your office because, as a kid, it was either “hold it” or use the bathrooms at War Memorial Stadium. ...You have neck problems in your middle age because you spent most of the time in your youth watching Bills games in person while straining your neck in your seat while trying to look around a pole. ...You thought that your Dad was the coolest because he left High Mass early with you so that you wouldn’t miss the opening kickoff. ...Your dad drove to the game, parked his car on the East Side, and the car was undamaged when he returned. ...Your dad parked the car by the armory. ...You can still identify the smell of a warm Genny spilled on wood seats and concrete. ...Your parents thought that Miami was a neat place full of warm weather, people their age, and Jackie Gleason. ...Your Dad would go to the game with you and would sit through rain, sleet, snow and gloom of night so that he could see that twinkle-towed sissy boy Joe Namath get slapped around by Ron McDole. ...You still call them "soccer-style kickers". ...You still call them the "Boston Patriots". ...More than once, you saw a Bill in the off-season in Buffalo working his part-time job as a steelworker / laborer / truck driver. ...You remember snow fences and a cinder track. ...Yohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh-HO! ...Your Dad took you down to Mohawk street to the Bills offices to buy tickets. ...You cared what Charley Bailey says. ...You know what “What’s New, Harry?” means. ...You remember peeing in a trough. ...You remember Calvin Murphy twirling a baton. ...You remember Saturday night games. ...You remember the haze on a Saturday night caused by stadium lights and thousands of chain smokers. ...You remember when Sunday games started at 2:00 p.m., then later on at 1:30 p.m. ...You remember training camp in Blasdell. ...You remember training camp in East Aurora. ...You remember the Camelot Motor Inn. ...You remember the bar being set up in the end zone stands serving Southern Comfort. ...You remember a boy scout tent on the sidelines where the cheerleaders went to change, as well as dozens of men standing on the cinder track behind the snow fence next to the boy scout tent. ...You think that the best home uniforms were the ones with the stripes around the shoulders. ...You stopped at Freddie’s Doughnuts Sunday morning before the game. ...You know the significance of the numbers 45,748 and 46,206. ...You thought that Orchard Park was a “farming community”. ...You remember your dad sometimes still called it “Civic Stadium”. ...You remember serious talk about the “Seattle Bills”. ...You thought that "Jim Kelly" was a Volkswagen dealer.
  8. https://pagesix.com/2019/10/21/lindsay-lohan-returns-to-new-york-city-to-promote-her-nightclubs/
  9. https://metro.co.uk/2019/10/18/ex-model-sex-pupils-became-teacher-10941835/
  10. https://www.news-journalonline.com/news/20191017/former-nsb-high-teacher-accused-of-sex-with-student
  11. Update: Chef's satellite location opens up in Amherst and Dave Thomas attends: https://buffalonews.com/2019/10/17/the-gospel-of-spaghetti-parm-is-spreading-and-its-disciples-say-amen/
  12. Why would the Public Relations Department sign him?
  13. He tore the tag off his mattress.
  14. “SpongeBob Squarepants and his friends play a role in normalizing the settler colonial takings of indigenous lands while erasing the ancestral Bikinian people from their nonfictional homeland.” https://muse.jhu.edu/article/734722/pdf
  15. ...singer Marie Osmond. At age 60...would ya?
  16. We also stampeded their women and raped their cattle.
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