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Everything posted by \GoBillsInDallas/

  1. No, we are not laughing at his death, but a celebration of his life. Barney Ales, former President and Head of Sales for Motown Records, died of natural causes at age 85. He was also one of the few white employees of Motown. (behind a paywall) https://www.wsj.com/articles/barney-ales-helped-bring-motown-sound-to-white-audiences-11587655597 At the end of the article: In recent years, Mr. Ales collaborated with Adam White on the 2016 book “Motown: The Sound of Young America.” Mr. White said Messrs. Ales and Gordy once went for dinner at a restaurant in Detroit. “We don’t serve colored people,” a woman at the reception said. “Good,” Mr. Ales replied, “because I don’t eat them.”
  2. https://www.lindsey.com/agents/details/7167/joe-ferguson
  3. https://nypost.com/2020/04/20/can-the-coronavirus-be-spread-through-farts/ There is no hope for anyone on this board.
  4. https://nypost.com/2020/04/21/de-blasios-social-distancing-tip-line-flooded-with-obscenities/
  5. "I am Elmer J. Fudd, millionaire, I own a mansion and a yacht."
  6. Actually, many of the posters on this board suffer from premature ejection.
  7. https://pagesix.com/2020/04/15/dua-lipa-wears-nothing-but-a-guitar-on-the-cover-of-elle/
  8. You're assuming that the current Sabres actually qualify as an NHL-calibre team.
  9. Isn't this the same Pegula that said "If I need money, I'll just drill another gas well".
  10. Anyone still have their 8088 in their closet? https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2020-04-13/an-ancient-computer-language-is-slowing-america-s-giant-stimulus
  11. https://pittsburgh.cbslocal.com/2020/04/10/pennsylvania-93-woman-beer-sign-coronavirus/
  12. Britain's National Health Service creates a "grading sheet" as to which Covid-19 patients get critical care and which ones don't: http://prod-upp-image-read.ft.com/765d3430-7a57-11ea-af44-daa3def9ae03
  13. Go Sabres!
  14. Go Sabres!
  15. Go Sabres!
  16. Go Bills!
  17. Go Bills!
  18. Go Bills!
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