I can understand why the old queen Sully is frustrated . That said it's the entire local media that bashes the home teams. One day you get Tim Graham launching the going rougue bomb , then you have the play offs or bust story, or you get Mike Schoop Killing Whaley for an hour over risking behavor on late round draft picks.
No mentions of his drafting record against others. The pats launch high picks on a regular basis , Ted Thompson another media favorite, well he has a former second round pick on the bills roster. We know what both teams have in common that the Bills lacked for years and may still do. That's the league get a qb and you win. If you don't have one yes you can win but you have a lot less room for error.
Lately is seems Terry is taking hits, which is crazy he doesn't have a losing season on his resume. The rumor that the Peluga's are buying a media outlet surely plays into the new attacks . It is sad though sports is suppose to be fun but when every bit of information reported about your favorite team has a negative slant it just is frustrating. I get it they want to drive eyes and ears but the reporting is so basis that they just cause people to tune out.