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Everything posted by baskingridgebillsfan

  1. I think Glennon is the best of the Available qb's . I healthy Romo would be better but is that even a possibility at this point. So will have Glennon\jones\draft pick Watson ? Glennon A statue in the pocket but he is accurate and has a big arm . There is a lot to like all things considered.
  2. Tim Graham for Mayor ? He can't even hack it for a third rate news paper
  3. Agreed. every article they wrote after the game was extremely negative. Oh this just in the Bills won by 20
  4. the team is not 10-24 neither are really an issue . They need a qb and a couple of safeties.
  5. does he get any credit for the Vets he brings in on the cheap.
  6. The News has been overly critical of the Bills for years. It is one thing to have controversial articles to get clicks. That is fine all the papers do it. Where the news is different is the secondary articles are usually some sort of piece on a player progressing well. A human interest story ect. The news stays overly negative with every story. Look no further then the articles written after todays game. Yes it is Cleveland but they still won a game . Every article took a negative slant
  7. I guess but that is not fair to Whaley. Plus he assumes if a player is on a roster he is a good player. How about a study of teams having success with vet min deals
  8. The article doesn't make any sense . Whaley hasn't made enough drop picks to fit his formula .
  9. You breaking things down as the Browns there is no telling how long it will take to be competitive
  10. they never break bills stories. People on this board break more stories than the Buffalo News
  11. is that some kind of law . Brandon hired whaley so Brandon gets a pass for everything .
  12. small potatoes Russ hired Whaley. Russ is the leak. Rex know this. He throws Brandon's name out when discussing the weekly meetings. Smart move by Rex. Defects the attention from Rex to Russ. At this point no Quarterback suggestion should be dismissed. Spin the wheel every year until you find one. exactly
  13. 6-7 is a new low ?
  14. Mojo Nixon
  15. Welp. Get ready for toxic to be bumper music durning the game
  16. might make a good reality show for the nfl network. 13 coaches in 13 days The quest for a playoff Birth
  17. If your not part of the solution you are part of the problem
  18. this much is known Just would not do worse then not make the playoffs for 15 years.
  19. Brandon in as far as all Football related matters 2 Taylor. 3 Rex 4 Whaely . I don't thing he does a poor job with Personal
  20. They didn;t ask the big question. How are things with Rex? Of course he wouldn't give an useful answer but Doug has been know to slip up in interviews.
  21. have you ever heard an fellow employee tell you something about the company and you know the whole true story. The employee telling the story either misunderstood , misheard or just plain is a shite stirrer. Happens all the time
  22. This is the point I keep coming back too. Many people of these boards tell me I am wrong and he has nothing to do with the football side of things.
  23. If the new vs lifers thing is happening it is not surprising. Often when new management comes in they cling on to some of the old school guys while learning the ropes. Sometimes it takes a little while to see where the weak links are. Cleary Terry is a successful businessman and Kim seems to be very passionate. That is a good conversation. At some point , and here is hoping it is soon, they will take full ownership of situation. Hire somebody they trust and they can work with and clean up whatever mess they see.
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