In my mind it keeps going back to Brandon. I know there are some on this board who will jump up and down and say Brandon has nothing to do with the product on the field. To that I answer as the president of the team everything is a reflection on him. If he has zero to do with the product on the field, a notion that I dismiss, he is the president he has influence , but following the theory that he has zero input to the product on the field. What purpose does he serve. Shouldn't the man running both of your organization have a clear vision , a plan for success , the ability to know when things are not working and when thing are on the right path? Brandon supporters seem to want to have it both ways. The organization is a mess but the president bares no responsibility.
Taking a step back you have a five hundred team without consistent qb play. When you have inconsistent qb play you are a 500 team . The issue they may be having probably goes on with a lot a franchises a good old fashion turf war between coach and gm. With this knowledge wouldn't a strong team president put an end to it ?
on the subject of turf wars ; they do not have to be the death of a coach. George young and Parcells were always at odds. Joe Torre would run out silly lineups to push Cashman into making moves, Dtika and Buddy Ryan won a super bowl. A strong president would handle these matters. A weak one blames others.