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Everything posted by baskingridgebillsfan

  1. I agree , I think everyone should give pegs a break on the Bills he seems to have figured out the type of organization he wants to run
  2. That was the plan. Polian was onboard. Marrone bailed. Polian then bailed. Pegs Hired an Experienced football coach. Unfortunately Rex lost his fast ball and the whole thing became a mess. So two years in Pegs reboots with what looks like an very talented group
  3. Pushed him on two staffs, we have no evidence of that. He drafted him to develop him. He was forced to play as a rookie and faired ok for a rookie. Whaley Brought in Orton year 2 , cassal and Tayor the following Year. If he was forcing him on the staff he would have done the Billy beane thing in Moneyball and lef the coach with no option.
  4. so Pegs saves the team from leaving and you are not willing to give him a few years learning curve? Remember Marrone left and that put them in a tough spot from Jump Street. You know the alternatives were Trump, and he would have moved that team the first chance he got and Bon Jovi who was taking them to Canada . Lighten up on the Pegs my bad apologies I agree that Whaley was going to take a qb. He watched Taylor for two years and understood he was extremely limited. Mceverything is like a lot of non Bills fans who like to tell me how good Taylor is .
  5. it is a big game of musical chairs at this point. When the music stops I hope we add a wlb to the mix.
  6. who is the qb that will run this offense. Taylor doesn;t exacly make quick decisions
  7. As bad as the Defense played in some games and as Limited as Taylor is , if Carperter performed at a high level last year the sesason would have turned out much different. He hits against Miami and they win , which means they play Taylor and beat the Jets. At 9-7 does everyone lose thier job ? Before the Buffalo News bailed on Rex there narrative is how can you fire a coach after year 2 if a team goes 8-8 and 9-7. Did Rex and his staff shite the bed ? Absolutly which i guess shows Whaley put enought talent on the field to be a playoff team .
  8. Whaley was 24-24 the last three years. He had a coach that he didn't pick let him down big time in the last two years. His crime was not getting a qb. Guess what when you hire a Gm it is more likely that you won't get one then you will. Doug was hung for how he communicated with both the fans and especially the local media. All in all he wasn't a disaster he was ok. Maybe being the head of an organization doesn't match his skill set, we will see. The man can evaluate talent and will find work , lets see how it the future plays out. The future is unwritten after all
  9. It appears that Doug did not give the Local media what they wanted. The local media has been trashing Doug for awhile and now some national guys are picking through the bones. It all starts with the bias reporting from Timmy , jay and Jerry.
  10. Marrone ruined any chance E.j has to be a solid qb. yes what is new about it ? same garbage from Tim over and over
  11. timmy timmy timmy. you are obseesed with Doug. Next time Doug will go to the qb tree and hope ones fall. If it was easier every team would have one. Whaley didn't find one, we get it, he is also in the majority of General Managers that don't find one.
  12. welp. that kind of sums of the state of his body. and another bites the dust. gonna get you too. lets hope for the best but we should always expect the worse
  13. http://buffalonews.com/2017/05/16/rex-carr-buying-yet-bills-sabres/ Old reliable is back. He is advocating a retread to run the team. If they had hired a retread he would advocate fresh blood. I don't know how his editor doesn't hand him back this article and tell him to try a fresh approach. after all the Editor keeps buying the same trash
  14. thinking Lawson and Washington are better fits. Ragland Ragland Ragland . lets see
  15. I read the Article and thought he took of cheaps shots on Whaley for no reason. typical Tim. as for the negative coverage. We have a 24-24 team over the last 3 years . The buffalo news coverage was at least 85 percent negative , often time muckraking out of bitterness. They are on the clock now to see how they go about tearing apart the news guys.
  16. that won't happen at this late date
  17. how about Russ. I kid I kid
  18. what does he do for to earn a living
  19. if they are going to go with a scout first type of guy why not just keep Whaley and hire a Nfl front office vet to be president . THis way they didn;t have to blow everything up again
  20. all humans columnist don't break stories ?
  21. does he wrestle ? I see a lot of folks writing him off . I Think that is a mistake. He has to be better then T.j yates
  22. well somebody has to be ahead of the jets
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