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Mr Mellow

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  1. He reminds me of a former Bills nemesis by the name of Jason Taylor. Then again, he might grow into a Calais Campbell. Let's hope that he's as good as either one of those guys.
  2. Unfortunately for we Bills fans, this is NOT the worst Bills team we've fielded in the last 40 years, which is how long I've been watching them. It would rank near last if you're only looking at the O, but this D is very good. As Parcells once said, "you are what your record says you are". Well, I think we win 4 or 5 games this year which makes us quite mediocre, but not horrible. The QB draft class of 2013 was terrible, but MB is probably the best of that bunch. I agree that he is serviceable and could be a good mentor to JA. Barkley seems to be a younger version of Fitzpatrick to me... serviceable. Let's hope JA can get us back to perennial contenders in a couple of years!
  3. He sat for most of a full season, practicing daily. So, in a word, yes. I think he's ahead of JA right now. Allen will play this year, but we may be throwing him to the wolves UNLESS he's ready. Let's see what he does against the ones. AND...I hope Cincy throws the kitchen sink at him (or least some exotic schemes). If he plays even reasonably well, then start JA...
  4. I've got nothing against them seeing what Allen can do against the ones, but unless he shows that he's way ahead of schedule I fear that he can get ruined by getting his confidence wrecked. I'm an old dude, but I've been watching the NFL for a long time and have seen a lot of young QB's get their confidence shot by taking big hits because they weren't ready to start. If he lights it up against Cincy, fine, start him against the Ravens. If he doesn't look ready, then I hope McD let's him watch and learn (at least until we have an injury or are out of playoff contention). It's likely that one of those scenarios play out this year anyway. I think Peterman IS ahead of Allen at this point but his ceiling is obviously lower. In his second year, Peterman SHOULD be ahead of Allen in terms of being ready to play... And enough with the 5 pick half. Peterman seems to be the only one that isn't thinking about it anymore. He should be a good eventual back up to Allen. If JA is going to grow to be what his potential is, we can wait a few games. He looks like the real deal. Remember, you gotta let a good marinara simmer for while to let it reach it's full potential!
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