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Everything posted by muggins

  1. I love it when players do this. I dunno what it is. I tried to explain to my girlfriend the goosebumps that I feel when players do this, but she just couldn't understand. I think its totally a football-fan thing. When I see the players out there, doing that, it shows how much they want to win, how much they care for the fans, etc. It is electric. You can't help but get on your feet and get loud. I remember Bruce used to do it and I still get chills thinking about that. Maybe its the connection - the player is communicating with you, and needs you - that makes it so great.
  2. What would it take to sell the bills to the public like the Packers?
  3. I root for the Lions. I live in Michigan and its hard not to. They've been absolutely abysmal for 20 years.
  4. I would no longer root for the Bills if they moved. I'd probably cry.
  5. I love the dark pants and dark unis, for many teams. I like the seahawks and jets unis like that. The only combo i don't really like is white pants with white uni in regards to Bills. I think if we did remove the red stripe down the side our unis would look somewhat better, though.
  6. When I saw peerless play yesterday i definitely thought, "How great is it that he came back here and revitalized his career as a no. 2 guy?"
  7. Nice high-res photos from this weeks game: http://images.sportsline.com/u/gettyimages...01_1024x768.jpg http://images.sportsline.com/u/ap/photos/E...22_1024x768.jpg
  8. While we're on the topic of awesome food, can someone link me THE buffalo-est buffalo wing recipe?
  9. http://www.cnn.com/2006/LAW/12/07/baseline...=rss_topstories http://www.thesmokinggun.com/mugshots/rlewismug1.html Crazy, no?
  10. This made me so happy. As for who deserves to go, Michigan. UF will get pancaked if they go.
  11. Is the weather in b-town gonna be as bad as it is gonna be here in Michigan?
  12. Blech, I cannot stand the Ravens in all their overhyped glory.
  13. Eh, they're guys having fun. Who cares. I enjoy them. I enjoy the MNF commentators. Then again, I don't really listen intently the whole time during MNF (usually cos the Bills aren't playing.) Whats with all the Stu hate? Cooler than the other side of the pillow is one of my favorite lines. Then again, I am not 55 Honestly complaining about the commentators then saying you watch Deal or No Deal... egh. Howie Mandel is hard to look at, and reality shows make me throw up.
  14. Unfortunately, I live in an apartment. In the basement level.
  15. I live in Lansing, MI. Not too too far from Indy. CBS is showing Denver / Oakland here on Sunday, instead of Indy / Buf. http://www.gribblenation.net/nflmaps/10-CBS.gif I also get Detroit / SF. UGH I HATE LIVING IN MICHIGAN SOMETIMES!!!
  16. Heh, I did this as well! Mostly just to show my Bills pride, though. I'll be at the game, yelling loudly for JP to throw and Willis to run. Managed to get a Willis jersey from the mall today for 20% off... was debating about ebay ones etc, just decided to get one from a shop. Not an authentic replic 250, just a 75 dollar one. I'll be sitting close..I hope to get a picture or something with a Bill!!
  17. yeah thats definitely not jimbo
  18. Is it possible to be a McGahee lover ?
  19. Woop, get to watch this cos its Chicago and then watch Detroit in person Is it 99 for direct tv and sunday ticket? Or 99 + 79ish for the whole year ?
  20. Anyone else think Vikings new units are absolutely HORRIBLE ?
  21. CBS sportsline comes through when i'm bored http://images.sportsline.com/u/ap/photos/N...18_1024x768.jpg http://images.sportsline.com/u/ap/photos/N...18_1024x768.jpg http://images.sportsline.com/u/uspresswire...4_145_lower.jpg (smallish) http://images.sportsline.com/u/ap/photos/N...18_1024x768.jpg http://images.sportsline.com/b/ap/photos/V...58817_lower.jpg (small) http://images.sportsline.com/u/ap/photos/N...17_1024x768.jpg
  22. I want 1024x768 at the smallest
  23. Anyone know where to find in game photos from the last few games, that are large and FREE? CBS.sportsline.com/photos used to have lots but this season has had very little. I'm looking for some wallpaper material
  24. heh his agent sounded like she really didn't know what was going on at one point she was taking the pills out of his mouth because he was incoherent the next minute she didn't take anything out of his mouth the next minuet it was a really long day she doesn't know hahaha
  25. I love the dark on dark unis. I tend to agree white with dark pants is good too. I really like seattle's too, wow they look great.
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