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Everything posted by muggins

  1. I remember I almost punched a hole in the ceiling. I jumped so high because I was extremely angry. The second that Wycheck threw the pass I knew it was a forward pass and they would call it as such. I was so pissed off.
  2. Recently I purchased a ring for my now fiancee. I was tired of walking into stores and being given the run-around or not being taken seriously because I was young or didn't want to spend a ton of cash on a ring. I tried http://www.bluenile.com and I (and the woman!) couldn't be happier. Really nice ring, really nice setting. I much prefer the shopping online in a catalog to going into a store and having to listen to all the sales talk.
  3. Yeah I've never heard of someone saying Rip is dirty. He had one dirty elbow in game 1, but that isn't really indicative of anything Billups isn't really dirty either
  4. I'm rooting for the Pistons. Experience and teamplay vs the Kobes any day.
  5. Oh man I think I'm going to get tickets to the Oakland game if that is the date
  6. So Buffalonians help me choose a game to go to in Buffalo. I'm looking at SEP 21 - Oakland, or OCT 19 SD, or NOV 2 NYJ. Maybe NOV 30 SF. I'd like to see the Miami game but Toronto
  7. Bryan Cox or Jimmy Johnson. I remember all of what Bryan Cox did when he was in Miami, calling Bills fans racists etc.
  8. I have always liked the Bills the most (I was born in Buffalo, but lived in MI almost my whole life) I've never been a hockey fan, and when I do watch hockey it is the Wings. I think I'm going to start watching as many Sabres games as possible, though.
  9. I really hate it when people put photos of their babies in their avatar / signature. I've seen it on various forums and it just weirds me out.
  10. I'm so pumped that this game is in Detroit. I get to see the Bills again Do you think they have been playing in Detroit so much because RW has connections there? They've played twice or 3 times in a row in pre-season.
  11. Woo, the next Antowain Smith.
  12. I agree, a lot of it has to do with the time of year. I have noticed that the board is quick to run anyone out of town, tho.
  13. I don't believe there were any tickets involved. You just kinda went in. To get into the HoF itself you had to pay. I intend to go as well.
  14. But a 17 year old who is still a minor can, and should get 10 years for it? Fact is, if this kid is white he would've been out a long time ago.
  15. I read this too. Wow, horrible story. Usually I'm of the opinion that racism is dying, but this story tells me that it is still alive and well in some areas.
  16. I don't want McGahee to go either. I like him, and I don't care what he says to the media. He's a good running back.
  17. Very nice. One thing- some of the images that are supposed to be 1280 res are not, they are about 550 by 356 I think.
  18. This article reminds me of a dr. dre song off of chronic 2001. http://www.azlyrics.com/lyrics/drdre/education.html Lots of swearing and obscene words in that, fyi.
  19. I just saw this - totally awesome! So pumped. And... not a fan of Kelly? Are you a fan of the Bills?
  20. Is there an announcer that anyone on this board likes?
  21. http://kissmesuzy.blogspot.com/2006/12/debut-of-pkmt.html Funny stuff
  22. http://sports.espn.go.com/espn/page2/story...ht&lid=tab2pos1
  23. I wish I had thought about this earlier. I live in Mich. but i could've made the trip and not worried about work monday : / Now it would be a hard sell with the woman
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