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Everything posted by aplknight15

  1. I did not write the piece. It is a friend's website though. Not trying to get hits on my site, just wanted to get opinions from fellow Bills folk. I can assure you that i am a Bills fan though. My dad went to Cleveland Hills High School out there and i grew up watching the Bills during the Kelly-Reed-Thomas-Smith years. I mean heck, there is a box of Flutie Flakes at my house.
  2. Hey guys, new to the site, but i saw this article on my favorite sports website and thought i would get your opinions. I had this very same argument with my buddy from Wisconsin who claims Reggie was the greatest ever, but nobody is better than Bruce right? I mean the article made good points and had me thinking twice, but still gotta take Bruce as the best DE ever. http://gamedaysportsblog.com/2015/12/10/reggie-white-or-bruce-smith/
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