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Everything posted by DaBillsFanSince1973

  1. thank you sir may I have another, oh mighty one.
  2. no need for prayer. I'm an atheist and you would just be wasting your breath, preacher man.
  3. what's ignorant is the added COT stuff. your post would of been all well and good had you not added that to it. but hey, you're a funny guy so I apologize for interrupting the great sense of humor you tend to spread around here.
  4. what an ignorant post, not surprising though.
  5. I see you're still getting worked up about the QB situation. how do you know what they didn't show in preseason they were actually practicing, which I'm sure they were and I'm sure you're aware of. that means peterman, who I'm sure has been getting reps with the ones with taylor still not cleared to play in the opener, will be running those plays that were not seen in preseason in game one. has taylor been cleared yet? no will they have peterman ready by preparing him for the opener? yes bottom line and why some are calling for peterman rather than taylor is because while peterman looked good running those few vanilla plays in preseason, taylor looked lost and way out of sync with the same vanilla offense. in a word he looked like crap. with just over a week before opening day and drawing closer, it could become a reality that taylor does not start week one. I will be supporting peterman with hopes he can manage the offense and lead them to victory?
  6. you gots that right jimmy
  7. poor fella. maybe you should of.
  8. tbd members will always complain about bbmb members, they're above all. the thing I've noticed is this place had/has it's fair share of nimrods that were here before the influx of past bbmb members. you made the point and I totally agree, there are good and bad from both boards. deal with it
  9. actually it's just that I'm an old bastard that seems to lose or gain a day and some weeks seem like 6 days, others 8. where did the 7 day week go?
  10. don't confuse me like that. some where along the line I lost a couple days, lol
  11. was there another thread you wanted to paste this in?
  12. should of been pretty evident given all the discussion regarding him this off season. 6 days
  13. they have to be working with doctors as well to give any clearance timetable and as monday approaches, if he's still not cleared, you go in to the weeks practice knowing peterman starts and practice as if he were. I have a gut feeling, since you don't rush these deals anymore, taylor wont be starting game one. honestly, I think the game will be more interesting watching the rookie take his lumps and see how he does at game speed. taylor shouldn't rush a concussion. don't want to see them open the season 0-1 and 0-1 in the division. although, lurking about are the tank fans so losing may not be so bad for some?
  14. interesting take. season is drawing nigh
  15. seems like they should have a good idea by weds? but they can take it all the way to game day, no?
  16. why wouldn't it happen? I mean if he was a fit, vet min and would have to be better than wenning? as for taylor, he may not be the answer under this new staff and a remnant anyway. they will have nearly all remnants cleared out by next off season? just throwing it out there, I'm not a brock fan.
  17. thank you. where did all those millions go, browns ate it? as for him in ricos offense, interesting.
  18. what kind of money goes in to signing him? not that I'm interested in signing the scrub, just curious?
  19. there is a reason the browns cut the scrub, which is every reason why the bills would never pick him up.
  20. see, this is where you don't do your homework. you should do your research before making such delusional accusations. I have never pushed any kind of agenda regarding the QB. what I have done is point out just what you're doing here with this COT preacher stuff, it's childish. who really cares how long you have been a season ticket holder or how much you've invested, is that supposed to be impressive?
  21. you would think this was coming from some teenager rather than a so called adult. this person seems like they type that if and yes possibly when taylor fails would come to the board inciting their celebration of a bills football player failing, kid stuff.
  22. I'm not your son. I wont adhere to anything you post. you may think you're some important board member here and feel the need to tell someone what they should or shouldn't post. guess what, you're not. also, I've followed your posts on peterman and you have been pretty adamant about it so don't play the right and wrong game, your highness.
  23. who died and made you boss? carry on copy/paste man.
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